Questions About Quarentine Tank


Fish Herder
Tank of the Month 🏆
Apr 6, 2013
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I want to add 5 harlequin rasporas, 2 false julii corys and 2 sterba corys to my display tank but I have to QT them first. I have a 10gl with a HOB filter and heater. I am going to put media from my display tank in the filter and test it by putting 3ppm of ammonia and seeing if it cycles that in 24hrs. I am going to put a thin layer of white sand at the bottom. Here are my questions
Should I put something in there for a hiding place?
Should I put a plant in there to reduce stress?
Should I dose an antibacterial like Malefix?
Can I have all the fish I want to add to the display in the QT at the same time?
Is 6 weeks long enough for QT?
Should I use a light and how long should the photoperiod be? I was thinking it should be as long as the photoperiod in the display tank but wouldn't that cause a massive algae bloom without plants to out complete it for food?
Should water changes be the same in a QT as there are in a display?
IS there anything I am missing?
Should I put something in there for a hiding place?
Yes, absolutely.  Otherwise you will stress the fish even more.
Should I put a plant in there to reduce stress?
It won't hurt.  As I have written in another thread on this topic, I have a permanently planted 20g that I use as a QT.  Floating plants are strongly advisable, and they provide the "cover" that all forest fish expect, and they grab ammonia faster than bacteria.
Should I dose an antibacterial like Malefix?
No.  Unless there is a discernible disease, do not treat for anything.  These products add more stress and if they are not needed, this is only going to make disease more likely.  Melafix itself is something of a problem, as it has been reported to affect fish gills and the labyrinth organ in anabantids.  I used it once, and clearly had severe fish stress.
Can I have all the fish I want to add to the display in the QT at the same time?
Here, yes.
Is 6 weeks long enough for QT?
I would say so, but I know some may go longer.
Should I use a light and how long should the photoperiod be? I was thinking it should be as long as the photoperiod in the display tank but wouldn't that cause a massive algae bloom without plants to out complete it for food?
I would use a tank light, esp if you have plants, and here the floating work well.  Without, light that is not bright.
Should water changes be the same in a QT as there are in a display?
Yes, though more frequent may be advisable in some situations.  It depends upon the fish, and what you have in the tank (plants and shelter).  Remember that with less shelter and no plants, fish will be under more stress and thus respirating faster, releasing pheromones, etc.  I have sometimes done a water change (half the tank always) after 3-4 days, then another 3-4 days and weekly thereafter.  But usually this is because I have a larger fish load; when I make a trip to a distant store for fish, I often return with dozens.

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