Question About Pairing Rams


New Member
Oct 9, 2012
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Hi this may be a silly question but I'm quite new to keeping fish, I've heard you keep rams in pairs but can you mix varieties. For example could I keep 1 electric blue ram and one german blue ram or golden ram. I hope that makes sense. Also do you need to keep them in pairs or could you have a 3?
Thanks in advance
I would always keep rams in pairs, You'll need to know if they are paired too, If not there's a good chance of bullying and death.
You could have different types of ram but I suggest large tanks with loads of hiding spaces for them to get on.
So electric blue rams, golden rams, and german blue rams are all selectively bred color variations of the same species, Mikrogeophagus ramirezi, which means that they should be able to pair together.  Pairing, of course, is about creating a "breeding" pair and not simply a male and a female in a tank.  So, theoretically, you could choose two color morphs and then hope that they do pair off, which they might - someone else might have experience with that -, but when breeding you would be remixing the two color strains, which may lead to not as attractive fry.
And to answer your last question, it is generally best to stick to one male-female pair.  The third fish becomes a third wheel.  As a male, it will try to establish its own territory and woo the female from the dominant male, leading to conflict and possibly death.  As a female, it will try to woo the male, and will be harassed both by the male and the dominant female.  So, again, best to keep just one pair and probably of similar coloring.
Thanks for the advice I think I'll most likely get a pair of electric blue rams as I like these best! I'm guessing the shop will be able to tell me the sex of the fish but how do you tell if they are male or female as want to make sure I don't end up with 2 males if they end up fighting!
Thanks looks like it'll be hard to sex them, I'll just have to hope I get one of each!
Or, like the article said, get a couple juveniles [6 would be ideal], wait for them to pair and rehome the remainder... Or else, hope.  And post pictures once you have them as maybe someone can help you sex them.
Ive got 2 yellow balloon rams and i bought two blue balloon rams today, so far so good. they just keep themselves to themselves

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