Pvc Pipe


Jan 15, 2012
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So I've been trying to think up ways to do my future tank. It'll be for just one F8 Puffer, so I wanted to do things to keep him as entertained as possible.I was wondering if I could take PVC pipe and run it under the sand, with a couple places for him to pop out of above ground. Obviously I'd have to make sure it's wide enough and use extra substrate to cover it, but would this be okay for him? Not sure if he would care about it or not, but I figured it may be worth trying. Has anyone done this or is there some reason it would be a problem? I would have to watch and make sure he didn't grow so big that he wouldn't be able to turn around it in, but he'd be alright for a while I'm sure.
Opinions? If you have any other ideas to make the tank more "Puffer Playground," please let me know! It's a 20 gallon planted with drifted.
Sounds fun!
I wouldn't make the pipes to long to start off with just in case he doesn't get it... then gradually increase the length. :)
You could do a sand waterfall with pvc pipe and an airstone. Heres a video of some. 
sawickib said:
You could do a sand waterfall with pvc pipe and an airstone. Heres a video of some. 

I think that's a little above my skill level! Very neat though.
nic1 said:
Sounds fun!
I wouldn't make the pipes to long to start off with just in case he doesn't get it... then gradually increase the length. :)
Good point! I guess I can just add pipe if he seems to enjoy it. :) Thanks for the tip!
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You could try putting a little food inside the pipe. This should make him want to explore
Try to work out a plan of action which you'll need to do if and when the pipes become filled with sand or substrate.

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