Problems With Severum Eggs - Help Solve The Mystery Please!


Fish Addict
Feb 4, 2007
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So I am trying this part of the forum again for some answers...
Here's a great shot the other night of my severums and their latest batch of eggs... they have probably laid at least a dozen times and they always end this way - fuzzy after a few days then they eat them

I want to know whats going wrong.
I have posted a topic in the Tropical Discussion, some people have asked me questions re I am I sure of the sexing and I posted a bunch of pictures in response but no one seems to want to answer me! I am hoping you guys will be able to give me some answers. Please check out the other comments and my other pictures at this thread here -->
Thank you!
My guess would be that they are not fertile, they look quite white which is usually a sign of it. Your fish look like they are a good size and nice and healthy :) So I would guess that the male may not be fertile....
If thats the case that's such a shame :(. They are very nice looking severums and I'd hoped to see wrigglers at some point, just for the pure enjoyment of observing them look after fry. Because fertile or not, they watch over the eggs so well.  I guess its not to be though :(

When the eggs are first laid they are what I would call an amber colour then after about three days they turn yellowish white and go fuzzy like in the pic.
Ah I see - they might be fertile then... I thought they must be white from the start - do they lay in one particular spot all the time? You could try adding some flow in that direction which can help with it - is it a comm tank they are in? If not some people add a base level of salt in the water to help you could try Melafix or Primafix which ever has the anti fungal properties I forget which it is.
They alternate between two vertical pieces of wood that I have. I have two Fluval 305's going on that tank, one outflow coming from each corner and there is a fair bit of flow in the tank. As you can see in the pic they hover over the eggs and 'fan' them quite a lot themselves. I am not sure it is because of lack of flow, as especially after cleaning those Fluvals blow a gale in the tank.
I think it is Pimafix that is antifungal, that is probably not a bad idea. It is a community tank and I do have loaches and cories, and obviously they come first before eggs do so I guess if I do try it I will watch the dose carefully, maybe even just do a half dose?
I do add Melafix after a water change but not frequently.

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