Pressurised Co2 System


New Member
Nov 18, 2005
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I recently purchased a Waterplant Pressurised CO2 system for my 200L tank.It came completely devoid of any instructions save for a picture on the box showing where the various bits go. I could have worked that out. The manufacturer's website was no help but eventually I did find an instruction manual on another website which was really helpful. The only question I have and I couldn't find it on this forum, perhaps I didn't look hard enough, was what flow of CO2 is required, in other words how many bubbles per sec/min?

Another question came to mind is what is the cheapest/easiest way to get the cylinder refilled (I do have a spare)I could go my local LFS, it's a bit of a trek and I believe they send them away which takes a week. I not keen any DIY refilling at home. :rolleyes:
Find out what size the thread is on the regulator and if its 22mm you could use a fire extinguisher which will last a while. With exact rate of BPS you want to get a drop checker, some 4DKH water and some Bromo Blue liquid, can all be gotten from ebay. :)

Set it up, crank the CO2 to around 2BPS and see if the drop checker changes to green, blue needs more CO2, yellow means less, takes couple of hours to change colour. There is a detailed write up for drop checkers pinned at the top of this very forum. :)

Hope this helps. :)

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