Fish Crazy
So, this isn't my first pregnant fish, my first fry, or anything. I've successfully bred guppies and bettas. In fact, this isn't really even my tank.
My boyfriend has a 10 gallon community tank, where we've determined he's got one pregnant guppy, and now what LOOKS to be like a pregnant swordtail... but this is where things get confusing.
When we got the swordtail, probably around two weeks ago, she didn't look pregnant at all. Now, she's got a bit of a belly on her. I didn't think she could progress that quickly, so I figured she was just bloated, but my boyfriend says it doesn't really look like she's bloated.
And guess what?
She's orange and black, and the black marking just happen to be over where I'd be able to see the black spot of fry developing on her, and it's on both sides of her. Go figure.
Is there any other way to tell if she's pregnant or just bloated? I don't know why she'd be bloated, since we don't overfeed and none of the other fish are bloated, but I can't really tell if she's pregnant either, because I can't see her black spot if she did have one.
My boyfriend has a 10 gallon community tank, where we've determined he's got one pregnant guppy, and now what LOOKS to be like a pregnant swordtail... but this is where things get confusing.
When we got the swordtail, probably around two weeks ago, she didn't look pregnant at all. Now, she's got a bit of a belly on her. I didn't think she could progress that quickly, so I figured she was just bloated, but my boyfriend says it doesn't really look like she's bloated.
And guess what?
She's orange and black, and the black marking just happen to be over where I'd be able to see the black spot of fry developing on her, and it's on both sides of her. Go figure.
Is there any other way to tell if she's pregnant or just bloated? I don't know why she'd be bloated, since we don't overfeed and none of the other fish are bloated, but I can't really tell if she's pregnant either, because I can't see her black spot if she did have one.