Fish Herder
I am a newbie to this forum and I hope someone here can help. I think my platy is pregnant, but as a first-timer with livebearers I am not 100% sure. I have read the guide that is pinned here to the forum and she seems to tick all the boxes for being ready to drop the fry. After hiding at the bottom of the tank near the heater and being very unsocial yesterday I decided to put her in the breeder tank but nothing has happened (yet). She is starting to get a little stressed (been 24 hours now) and I am wondering if she is really pregnant, and if close to dropping her fry or if I am just imagining things
Please have a look at those pictures and let me know what you think. If she isn't ready yet, I'd rather get her out of the breeder tank.
In the background is the male platy for comparison, he definitely looks thinner to me.
I am a newbie to this forum and I hope someone here can help. I think my platy is pregnant, but as a first-timer with livebearers I am not 100% sure. I have read the guide that is pinned here to the forum and she seems to tick all the boxes for being ready to drop the fry. After hiding at the bottom of the tank near the heater and being very unsocial yesterday I decided to put her in the breeder tank but nothing has happened (yet). She is starting to get a little stressed (been 24 hours now) and I am wondering if she is really pregnant, and if close to dropping her fry or if I am just imagining things
Please have a look at those pictures and let me know what you think. If she isn't ready yet, I'd rather get her out of the breeder tank.
In the background is the male platy for comparison, he definitely looks thinner to me.