Pregnant Platies? Help Please!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2012
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IL, Usa
I have two platies, I know they're pregnant because I can see the frys eyes.
Can you tell me how far along they are and when you think they'll have the babies?
I don't know how far along they are because they got pregnant before I got them.
They were packed with males in the tank at the petstore.
In my opinion, Dutchess is further along than Queen. If you can see eyes then the babies should be born within one or two days. I would expect Dutchess to have hers first.
Forget about fry's eyes, it is a meaningless exercise IMO. I find it far more relevant to check my females against a standardized body shape much as I have given in pictures in my My Molly's Progress thread that you can reach from a link in my signature area. That thread gives my best interpretation of a female in my own care over a period of time.
I also think Dutchess looks closer but I can see a lot of eyes in Queen and only a dark spot or two in Dutchess. I think They look close to the pictures I see, just their stomach isn't as big.

-Do the their stomachs need to be that big (like in pictures) though even if they only have a couple fry or is it the same size no matter how many they are carrying?

-I think this is their first time having fry because all four of my platies were bought from the pet store at the same time and the other two that are pregnant, that were not it the pictures, look very small, like only a few months old small. But they look close to Queen and Dutchess in their pregnancy.

-Is it also true that first time mom livebrearers deliver less their first time?

Sorry for all the questions, I just want to know what to expect and be prepared when the they're about to give birth.
Sorry haven't replied in a while. Have any of the platies had their fry yet? I haven't heard that platies have smaller deliveries their first time. I would imagine that the stomach size would would be slightly larger the more fry. Sorry, wasn't much help.Good luck!
Sorry haven't replied in a while. Have any of the platies had their fry yet? I haven't heard that platies have smaller deliveries their first time. I would imagine that the stomach size would would be slightly larger the more fry. Sorry, wasn't much help.Good luck!

At least you did reply. They haven't had them yet. Dutchess is getting so huge. They are both hiding, and I usually have to place food near them or they'd miss feeding times. They are eating though.
I thought you guys may want to know, Queen had her babies today around 3pm :) she had around 13, but I may have moved her too soon from the breeder box as I found another an hour ago. Two escaped the breeder box so hopefully they will hide and be safe. How long should the fry stay in the box? I have a 2.5 gal fry tank, but it's currently housing somewhere between 14-20 week old guppy fry atm.

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