Pregnant Guppy

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Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2012
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I own a 30 litre tank with 15 fish in it so there is no room for a breed box or net
What should I do

Buy a new tank
Put lots of hiding places spawning weed and plants in the existing tank
Leave it and see the outcome

If you have room and money for another tank&equipment at home then do that. If not get a lot of more plants for your current tank. I see a lot of fish owners with way too many guppies for their tanks but they have a lot of filtration and plants to accommodate their fish.

Upload a pic of your tank set up so the other members can provide more detailed advice.
That is *way* too many fish for only a almost 8 gallon tank! If I were you I would rehome lots of them, and maybe keep only male guppies if you don't have the room or the money for a new tank. The general rule is, 1 gallon for each 1 inch fish. And guppies are around 1 inch each, I would get rid of at **least** 5 fish. :crazy:
I am getting a new tank in a few months and my one now will be converted into a shrimp breeding tank

El they be alright for a couple of months
the 15 fish in your tank will be fine

I thought the would be because they
Look fine

Thanks for saying tho
Please define your objective Marley.
If you merely want to have enough fry survive to replace the present stock, almost anything that you do will be plenty. If you want all fry to survive, maybe so that you can sell them, then extreme measures may be needed. In between, the appropriate measures will also fall in between.
I just want a few fry to survive about 10 or less
For a small fry survival rate, just make sure that your fish are well fed and provide some cover, like perhaps a clump of java moss or guppy grass. (Each drop of a typical livebearer will give over 30 fry.) That will give the fry a good hiding place while not encouraging too many to survive and overpopulate you.
For a small fry survival rate, just make sure that your fish are well fed and provide some cover, like perhaps a clump of java moss or guppy grass. (Each drop of a typical livebearer will give over 30 fry.) That will give the fry a good hiding place while not encouraging too many to survive and overpopulate you.

How do I stop fish eating them ( cannot afford a fry tank )
The cover and well fed adults reduces the predation. You do not want to stop it completely or you will be over-run with fry.

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