Preg Mollys


Jan 5, 2012
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is my molly due yet??? been waiting weeks and i really want to try and save the fry.


if mollys are anything like platys then i'd say a day or two. congrats!!!!!
I'd say she was pretty close too, she's starting to square off
Put her in when she has a white dot near her bottom fins and she's fully squared off. If you're referring to a breeder net, I recommend putting the fry in there themselves without putting the female in, as the breeder net will stress her out a lot. :good:
if i dont put her in trap fry will get eaten. plus also she has a whit small tube near her bum.
She's very close if she's got the white dot. If you put her inside of the trap, she'll get really stressed out. She might drop the fry right on time, she might delay dropping, or she might abort all together. I really recommend keeping her out. If you're around, you can just net the fry. I guess if you're going to be gone that day, I guess you could put her in. One time, I was out for the day, and when I came back my female was skinny and there were no survivors! I don't usually put her in, though. :good:
its strange its like a white dot but it sticks out of her like a small tube?? birthing tube?? i dont want to put her in breeding trap but i no she will do it a night when im in bed and they will all get eaten
I guess you can put her in, but just not for too long. Be careful, though, and make sure that she doesn't get too stressed in there. :good:
If you have a separate breeding tank, go ahead and move her now. It will cause her less stress if she has a nice tank to herself where she can drop her fry on her own schedule.
Old man at the moment I don't have another tank. I was going to put her in trap in my sump. But I jo it's mean. And I really don't want her fry in main tank as to many fish and they will get eaten.
If you are running a sump, you can treat the return chamber as another tank, as long as you realize that the return pumping action may be too much for your fish. That chamber is where the level fluctuations in your water volume show up but it is the cleanest water in your whole system.
I don't think it's MEAN either to use a breeder net if that's what your options are. I put my platy in one right after I saw a little fry in the tank, she had all of them and I quickly moved her back out. I doubt it was More stressful then the open tank. My other two platies were chasing her around like crazy. I plan to move her to a fry tank next time I want to keep them, but that wasn't an option last time.

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