possible worms?


New Member
Jan 14, 2017
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Hello all, We have 3 guppies had 4 lost one to unknown reason about a week ago. We've had them since Christmas so about 3 weeks. all seemed well until now. one fish looks like it has a worm hanging out and the other was bloated and all of a sudden this is hanging off it. any ideas what's going on or help would be appreciated. see photos Thank you. 20170114_215303.jpg 20170115_000839.jpg
There's definitely something going on. If you just set the tank up around Christmas then I'd think your tank hasn't cycled. An un-cycled tank is often the cause of illness in fish. They all look pretty bloated, so I would stop feeding for a day or two. Also, do a large water change of about 75%. White poo is a common sign for internal parasites, so I would treat that with API general cure of Tetra Parasite guard. I haven't a clue what's hanging from the yellow guppy. My guess in maybe fungus related. If you can, try and test your water for nitrites, nitrates, ammonia, temp etc.

Has the white/black guppy always looked that pale on it's upper half?
hey thanks for responding.

so that growth end up falling off the fish. we have no idea what that was bc it formed in the evening than fell off over night. did a 75% change and unfortunately the one with the growth died and the blue/black fish also died. we have one black and yelbow left but I suspect it won't make it either. I have no idea what happened bc the water quality was good. kept up with water changes etc. they went from active to not active.

I think we might just wait and see want happens and start over. bleach the tank and everything in case of worms and try new fish.
Id suggest you make sure tank is properly cycled.

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after talking about it actually think the 75% change was too drastic and probaby killed the fish. but soemthing was Def wring. keep in mind this is not my tank but my friends and was a gift from me for their 3yr old so they have been caring for it so not sure if they have been testing. the one thing I don't get is the bloating. could that be a parasite? if so does that require a full cleaning of the tank?
Hard to say without all tank specs and parameters. But unless there a conditioner or temp problem a large wc should not been an issue.

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ok thank you. after talking to my friend she thinks she might have been overfeeding them and also I told them to check the water ph, amonia, etc more. it Def wasn't cycled bc I know there weren't any nitrates present. one fish is still alive if it makes it to the end of the week we will get a couple more to help with cycling again.
I probably wouldn't get anymore fish until the whole tank is cycled. Adding more could lead to more death.

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