Well now that my fishless cycling is underway I'm making a list of possible tennants which i've listed below, please comment on my selection and maybe add/remove!!!
180ltr Aqua One Eurostyle 80 (800x420x600)
4 German Blue Rams
10 Cardinal Tetras
3 Dwarf Gouramis (1M 2F?)
2 Bristlenose Plecos
Maybe some shrimp?
I'm not bothered about breeding so not sure about male/female combo's so left that to you guys. Also not sure if overstocked or indeed could maybe add some other species?
I have gravel, bogwood, stones and planning on putting in some live plants.
180ltr Aqua One Eurostyle 80 (800x420x600)
4 German Blue Rams
10 Cardinal Tetras
3 Dwarf Gouramis (1M 2F?)
2 Bristlenose Plecos
Maybe some shrimp?
I'm not bothered about breeding so not sure about male/female combo's so left that to you guys. Also not sure if overstocked or indeed could maybe add some other species?
I have gravel, bogwood, stones and planning on putting in some live plants.