Possible Tennants For My New Tank Please Comment.


Feb 19, 2012
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SA13 South Wales UK
Well now that my fishless cycling is underway I'm making a list of possible tennants which i've listed below, please comment on my selection and maybe add/remove!!!

180ltr Aqua One Eurostyle 80 (800x420x600)

4 German Blue Rams
10 Cardinal Tetras
3 Dwarf Gouramis (1M 2F?)
2 Bristlenose Plecos

Maybe some shrimp?

I'm not bothered about breeding so not sure about male/female combo's so left that to you guys. Also not sure if overstocked or indeed could maybe add some other species?

I have gravel, bogwood, stones and planning on putting in some live plants.

Bora Dda Butt.

Not entirely sure about the Rams, but i believe they suit a much more matured tank (no doubt someone will further on this).

Some do say Cardinal Tetra prefer, again, a more mature tank. I went with instinct and got 10 as the second 'lot' of fish to go in weeks after my cycle was complete and they have flourished to this day.

Your Gouramis are a nice choice, although prone to a still slightly mysterious death know as "Dwarf Gourami Disease", with many enthusiasts experiencing some sort of issue with them, the lucky ones are the ones that don't i guess...i bought 1M and 1F 3/4 months after my cycle, the female mysteriously died within 3 weeks and the male is now, also, experiencing some trouble..Hey, don't let my negativity choose for you, they are a beautiful addition toy our tank :good: !!

No idea about any type of Plec, but you seem to have done research regarding what type you can have in a tank like ours. Otto's are great, had mine about a month now, do their job and are fantastic to watch.


PS- remind me to show you my Cherry Barbs, gotta love the Cherry Barbs !!!
Well now that my fishless cycling is underway I'm making a list of possible tennants which i've listed below, please comment on my selection and maybe add/remove!!!

180ltr Aqua One Eurostyle 80 (800x420x600)

4 German Blue Rams
10 Cardinal Tetras
3 Dwarf Gouramis (1M 2F?)
2 Bristlenose Plecos

Maybe some shrimp?

I'm not bothered about breeding so not sure about male/female combo's so left that to you guys. Also not sure if overstocked or indeed could maybe add some other species?

I have gravel, bogwood, stones and planning on putting in some live plants.


My penny'sworth, lose 1 of the BN's. They are not social so it will be perfectly happy on his/her own (and they poo like champions so loosing the plec will allow several more fish) blue rams are nice looked at them myself a couple of times.

Cardinals, nothing wrong with those as to the gourami's? why not pass on those and add some cory's for the bottom. Plenty to choose from. You could prob add a few more cardinals that way :good: or have 2 shoals of 7 using another tetra, rummy's maybe.
I initially thought about only 1 BN. Do like those DG's tho! Re Cory's my thinking was that I wouldn't have many bottom feeders as my tank has a smallish footprint but is pretty tall?
I initially thought about only 1 BN. Do like those DG's tho! Re Cory's my thinking was that I wouldn't have many bottom feeders as my tank has a smallish footprint but is pretty tall?

Also, didn't you mention you had gravel? Not good for any Corys, they like to sift around in sand. The shrimp you mentioned would do a similiar(ish) job i guess..and there are dozens of fantastic coloured ones available..the possibility is there to have dozens and dozens in a tank like yours.

I initially thought about only 1 BN. Do like those DG's tho! Re Cory's my thinking was that I wouldn't have many bottom feeders as my tank has a smallish footprint but is pretty tall?

Also, didn't you mention you had gravel? Not good for any Corys, they like to sift around in sand. The shrimp you mentioned would do a similiar(ish) job i guess..and there are dozens of fantastic coloured ones available..the possibility is there to have dozens and dozens in a tank like yours.


Depends on the gravel and we are only thinking out loud if the op chose it would be easy to swap. Seems a shame to waste an area of the tank.

After having gravel myself and switching to sand i'm not going back.
I initially thought about only 1 BN. Do like those DG's tho! Re Cory's my thinking was that I wouldn't have many bottom feeders as my tank has a smallish footprint but is pretty tall?

Also, didn't you mention you had gravel? Not good for any Corys, they like to sift around in sand. The shrimp you mentioned would do a similiar(ish) job i guess..and there are dozens of fantastic coloured ones available..the possibility is there to have dozens and dozens in a tank like yours.


Depends on the gravel and we are only thinking out loud if the op chose it would be easy to swap. Seems a shame to waste an area of the tank.

After having gravel myself and switching to sand i'm not going back.

Apologies, but through previous posts with the OP i'm pretty sure he has large, jagged gravel.. if i remember correctly !?!?!


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