Polka Dot, Pakistani And Zebra Loaches

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May 11, 2013
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Hi. I had 3 polka dots, 3 yoyos and 2 zebras in a well-established 200 litre tank. A couple of weeks ago, following my usual weekly water change, all of them started to hide behind my filter. Previously they had all been very lively and bold as brass. Over the past 3 days all of them have died. The other community fish (not botia) in the same tank are all still thriving. No ammonia spike and the usual use of 'Pure Aquarium', following the water changes. I'm tearing my hair out and desperate for some advice!
This morning:

Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 10ppm
ph: 7

Other fish:

Bristlenose Plec

No unusual behaviour from any of the fish above.

I lowered the temp on the heater shortly before the summer (?! :) ) hit and the tank has stayed at about 26 degrees.

I'm baffled!
Have you been using any copper meds recently? Did you use the same source for water changes as you usually do? Have you been adding anything into the tank that might cause the oxygen levels to drop?
Did you take any decor out of the tank? Just wondering if it stressed them from loosing a hiding place?
Going to move this to the right section so you might get some more answers - this is catfish you need the Schooling fish section
Reeferbro said:
Have you been using any copper meds recently? Did you use the same source for water changes as you usually do? Have you been adding anything into the tank that might cause the oxygen levels to drop?

Wills said:
Did you take any decor out of the tank? Just wondering if it stressed them from loosing a hiding place?
Going to move this to the right section so you might get some more answers - this is catfish you need the Schooling fish section
Hi Reeferbro and Wills

Many thanks for your replies. No copper meds used at any time; slow addition of Anubias, Hygrophilia and Java Fern over the past couple of months but all small plants. Large pieces of bogwood, driftwood and rock for hiding places. Still clueless. All other fish are thriving but all loaches are RIP...
Ah this is a bit confusing!!
Only other things I can think of - have you added any salt to the tank recently?
And did you rinse the plants before they were added? Im wondering if they had something on that has affected all the naked fish in there. Like salt or maybe some kind of fertiliser that wouldnt normally be used in a fish tank (if the plants were from a plant only tank)
Wills said:
Ah this is a bit confusing!!
Only other things I can think of - have you added any salt to the tank recently?
And did you rinse the plants before they were added? Im wondering if they had something on that has affected all the naked fish in there. Like salt or maybe some kind of fertiliser that wouldnt normally be used in a fish tank (if the plants were from a plant only tank)
Thanks Wills

No salt added - wouldn't risk it with loaches. Plants were from a highly reputable LFS but I admit to not rinsing them first (the LFS advised that this wasn't necessary). Most of the plants had been in the tank for a while, but that could be the cause. It's the speed with which the deaths occurred that confuses me.
Yeah its not a great situation :/ loosing fish is always tough when you have no answers.
I think it has to be something to do with those plants - its the thing that makes the most sense.
Hate to say it but its something I have to live by (when it comes to fish shops) and would recommend it to others - always doubt the shop...
Sorry to hear you've lost fish.
It does sound like it has something to do with the plants.
A lot of plants in Lfs are imported, if they came from outside the EU they have to be treated with chemicals to prevent any nasties getting into this country.
Too late now I know but plants should always be thoroughly rinsed before adding to the tank, especially if you have inverts

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