Plecs Eating All My Plants

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Apr 24, 2015
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I have a quite large aquarium with 2 plecs in it, approx 2-3" length. It also has 4 golden barbs. The aquarium is really empty and I had  planted a lot of colourful plants hoping to fill it up a bit with natural spaces for the fish to hide, before I would go out and get some fish. But coming back from holiday the two plecs have completely eaten the plants, there is only 2-3 stems left, the green plants went first and I can see them now working on the red leaved plants. Obviously they are hungry but I have never fed the plecs excplicitly I had thought that like the snails they eat all the algae that grows on the stones/glass. Is there anything I cando to protect the plants? I am thinking of giving those two plecs away otherwise.
are you sure it's the plecs? I ask because my Dad is a fellow fishkeeper (it's all his fault ... he got me into this hobby as a kid!) and for a time he had gold barbs too. Whilst they were alive he couldn't keep a single plant. They would reduce everything down to the stalks. He even tried crypts which are supposed to taste really nasty and they stripped that too.
I'm just wondering if you have the same problem

just to add ... you really need to be feeding some kind of pellet for the plecs. They can not survive on algae and slime coat alone. I feed mine New Era pellets and he loves them :)
Obviously they are hungry but I have never fed the plecs excplicitly
I  feed my BN's every day they get algae wafers  plus they get veggies.
Here is a list of some suitable food sources for plecos: *I have not including the many types of sinking pellets and flake food, because although a useful addition I dont believe them to be as useful as fresh or frozen foods such as those below and would never use them as a main diet, but merely supplement.
Meat/Protein based foods:-

  • Worms- bloodworms, blackworms, nightcrawlers etc (a side note, i've never had a young carnivorous plec refuse bloodworms)

  • Mysis

  • Beefheart

  • Prawn

  • Shellfish- mussels, cockles etc

  • Squid

  • Silversides

  • Spirulina

  • Brine Shrimp

  • Crustaceans

  • Other Insect Larvae

  • Fish Eggs

  • Krill

  • Daphnia

  • Chicken Liver
Vegetables (remember to wash all veggies of unwanted bugs and blanching veggetables isn't necessary- it takes away nutrients)

  • Cucumber

  • Zucchini

  • Potatoes (I would soak these for a long time and wash thoroughly as they contain a lot of starch that is bad for water quality, although otherwise a great food source)

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Shelled Peas

  • Broccoli

  • Carrots

  • Lettuces

  • Cabbage

  • Courgette

  • Yams

  • Parsnips

  • Squash

  • Suede

  • Spinach

  • Beans

  • Melon

  • Bogwood

  • Mango

  • Apple

  • Kiwi
that's a useful list to have Nick ... I've often wondered if the plec can have carrots - there's always one or two left over on a Sunday after the roast. I add some peas but I have wondered about carrot. Does the carrot matter if it's cooked? Is it better to rasp on when raw?
Mine rasp on it raw. I actually try and feed them something different from the list each day.
I really should try harder with my BN, he does like courgette and cucumber but I didn't know he should be having something every day. I shall up my game. Thank you :)
You say you have stones but do you have wood in the aquarium?

Might just be a case of the pleco needing to rasp on something..... Also, what try adding more foods that NickAu has mentioned every day making sure to remove the waste after
What kind of pleco are they? If you don't know. Try finding a few pictures and someone can ID them.
As some plecos do need wood. I have a clown pleco and he won't touch Algae wafers but loves he wood ones and blood worms.
Hi guys (and girls)
Thanks for the replies.
The plecs are the culrpits, I can see them on the stems and on the leaves, The golden barbs, as playful as they are they never go near the plants. This is the second time and now I know the culprit. This is like £70 and 3-4 months down the drain. I am seriously considering feeding them to the cat. That's how annoyed I am.
I will now try some zuccini pieces to let them munch on, and I will go outside and get a piece of wood, I have tons (literally) stashed at the back, I will just grab a suitable piece.
Thanks again guys. Now apart from all the destroyed plants I also have 4-5 slices of fresh zucchini floating at the top! I am off to cut some wood.
I'm not sure it's a good idea to just throw in any kind of wood. It could introduce anything into your tank that could kill everything in it. 
Firstly, we need to know what kind of 'plecs' they are. Are they ancistrus (or Bristlenosed - BN) are they common plecs or some of the other kinds out there. If you don't know the best thing to do is photograph them and post the photo's here for someone to I.D them or head over to planet catfish and I.D them there from their extensive knowledge of all catfish types
Also you can get the zucchini to sink by threading them onto a handle of a teaspoon, the plecs are more likely to eat it if it's on the bottom of the tank. I have always liked the look of golden barbs in the shops they remind me of miniature goldfish lol, post a pic of the plecs so we can ID them if you are not sure I think the reason they are eating your plants is because they are hungry, I have a BN plec in a heavily planted and whilst she does rasp the leaves at times she never does that much damage but I feed her too.
I have got two 10"x4" pieces of bark and I washed them, brushed them clean, and put them inside the aquarium. Time will tell if the plecs take a liking.
On the plus side I have just realised that the pieces of bark can be used, if placed appropriately, to hide the heaters and the hoses/tubes which look so unsightly. I will go get some more bark.

Can't get a photo of the plecs currently they are hiding. They are dark in colour they look exactly like the common plecostomus as found on google etc
I use plant weights to weight down cucumber or courgette. I just use a sharp knife to create a slit in the flesh and skin and then push the weight through making sure any sharp edges of the weight are turned in so they can't hurt their mouths
As I've already said I'm concerned about the wood you have put in. It could seriously toxify your water. There are only certain woods that are safe to use in an aquarium and there are lots of other factors to take into account such as polution and sap etc.
Due to you not listening to my warnings I'm now bowing out of this thread as I do not want to feel any responsability if your fish die. Good luck
I am seriously considering feeding them to the cat. That's how annoyed I am.
Its not the fishes fault it is hungry and not being fed, Its yours as the fish keeper. Feed them properly and they will leave your plants alone.
As for the cat comment, That is in no way funny, If you cant or wont look after them return them to LFS.
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