Pleco Or Plecostomus?


Aug 2, 2013
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Hi People! I am new to this forum and already I am liking all of these topics. Well I am waiting on one of my topics to get verified so my pleco question may be answered. So I do have 1 question I guess while I am in a topic...... Is it bad luck to type "plecostomus" instead of "pleco"? I have heard a few things about this and it seemed a bit ridiculous.
I think people say plec or pleco as a shorten version. So no, not bad luck at all. Never see someone use plecostomus.
no that does sound ridiculous pleco is just a abrv. of plecostomus because why go throught the trouble of spelling it out.
Well I know that, but I was told that if you say Plecostomus 1 of your Plecos would die.... I kind of found it weird and just wanted to figure it out. Has anyone heard of this?
LOL Die? Come on now, not at all :p
no but im gonna do it know, i hope my britlenose doesnt die 
LOL right it sounds silly..... but I do prefer to say Plecostomus instead of Pleco, but now that I am starting to think about it. A few months ago when I started to get into forums and I had to have said Plecostomus a billion times, one of my Bristlenose Plecostomus breeding aquariums filters blew out and I guess the water was dirty to begin with, but about 10 or 15 baby Plecostomus died. Yeah I am stupid, so the legend may be true. LOL
wow well i wouldnt sweat it were exactly did you here this from?
I've heard of this before - cant remember which forum it was that it started on now though. My advice is don't fall into fish superstitions lol :)
I was told about this from a forum I use to be on, so I looked at other forums I was not apart of and yup other people talked about this, so I kind of laughed a bit.
well lets hope its wrong because then my brittlenose is dead
Lol. They are funny though. Wonder what makes people really get into this stuff though.

Lol sorry I keep forgetting to show the latest post. Anyway Yeah I hope no further of my Plecostomus are killed.
what can i say i live on the edge..
Lol. I think too many people have been there for too long. Rise above this superstition and scream PLECOSTOMUS!!!

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