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Jan 4, 2007
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Hi Everyone.
I’m new in tropical fish hobby.
I’m planning to buy an AQUAPOD 12 or 28 GALLON tank.
Which one would be best for me?
What’s involved in terms of time to maintain those tanks?
Thank You
You need to read the pinned articles above all of the different sections. There is really too much to sit and list. Start with the beginner section and go from there. They are just above where you post. They will answere most of your questions. Then after you read those you can ask any questions you still have. They don't answere everything, but it is a really good start.
You would really need to read a few of them before you decide which tank. They will help you make a better decision.
I hope this is somewhat helpful.
Welcome to TFF!
I would get the 28 gallon tank. You will be much happier being able to have more fish, and it will be easier to keep the water parameters steady.
Good luck,

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