Please help me identify this cichlid


New Member
Apr 18, 2022
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Altamonte Springs , FL
Hmm tough one as stressed in the bag possibly a jewel cichlid could be a few others though. What did you buy it as?
Hmm tough one as stressed in the bag possibly a jewel cichlid could be a few others though. What did you buy it as?
I did not buy him someone gave him to me but they only knew that he was a sickly they did not know what kind or that she was a secret I donā€™t even know if itā€™s a male or female
I did not buy him someone gave him to me but they only knew that he was a sickly they did not know what kind or that she was a secret I donā€™t even know if itā€™s a male or female
Have anyone ever kept the African jewel sick with other tank mates or is this impossible because I actually got the tank for my eight black molly babies but I did not know that the tank was going to have a cigarette and a Pleco in it so now I have to decide if I want to keep the secret or just donate him to the pet store so I can use the tank for what I originally purchased it for anyone have any suggestions
And by the way thanks so much for you guys health that does look like the fish but I have all community teams and I donā€™t know how I feel about having a fish that I canā€™t keep other fish with
Iā€™m so sorry I hate texting so I talk text and sometimes Siri just type what she wants the word it was supposed to be Cichlid not sickly! LOLšŸ¤­
Jewels are usually hard to keep with other fish itā€™s possible if you plan it carefully but not just add it to any mix - how big is the tank and what are the other fish and how many of each?
Jewels (several species) are not sociable, and are predators. He'll eat the mollies. and would need a large tank. It isn't good news for you or him (I think probably him).
Iā€™m sorry for the late response but I was out until a few minutes ax
Jewels (several species) are not sociable, and are predators. He'll eat the mollies. and would need a large tank. It isn't good news for you or him (I think probably him).
Thanks so much I gust decided to keep it I guess Iā€™ll have to find another aquarium for my baby Mollys it is 8 of them. Jewel is in a 40 gallon with plexiglass and 3 Corys that he was originally in with So now I have to find aquarium number eight for the malice because theyā€™re getting to be here still in the breeder tank but the 55 gallon is filled to capacity so I cannot put them in there so I have to find another time but thanks so much for your help
Iā€™m sorry for the late response but I was out until a few minutes ax

Thanks so much I gust decided to keep it I guess Iā€™ll have to find another aquarium for my baby Mollys it is 8 of them. Jewel is in a 40 gallon with plexiglass and 3 Corys that he was originally in with So now I have to find aquarium number eight for the malice because theyā€™re getting to be here still in the breeder tank but the 55 gallon is filled to capacity so I cannot put them in there so I have to find another time but thanks so much for your help
They are pretty aggressive but it is possible to build a community around them - there are also a couple of species around now so if you can get a pic of them in the tank we might be able to get a positive ID. Eg there is one called a 5 star that is super aggressive and one called a Turkana which is reportedly pretty chill.

Would love to know more about your other tanks too :)


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