
June FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Thank Colleen, I was beginning to become paranoid, thinking why wont people speak to me - lol

Yes, I was trying to find out if my Platy was pregnant, she has been large and round for a while now, but no little fishies????

I have tried her in a small tank (as shown) I have now put her into my 200ltr + tank in a Breeding trap - Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks :nod::nod:
I haven't looked at the YouTube clip, since it's blocked where I'm posting from.

However, if she has shared a tank with a male in the last 6 months, then she almost certainly will be pregnant - they breed more like rabbits than rabbits do.

If she is in a breeding trap, then I strongly recommend that you watch her carefully, and if she seems at all stressed, then place her back in the main tank. Breeding traps can often be a little on the small side, and this can often lead to fish becoming overly stressed.
Strange, it almost looks like dropsy to me from the video! Im sure & hope it isnt!
Sorry but I think it might be dropsy :-(
Thank you for your replies, however she is active and is feeding well ??

I had a molly who had dropsy and she was feeding well and active but it was very obvious she had dropsy
Can you get a pic from above. If it is dropsey, the pineconing effect should be more noticeable from a pic taken from above. Unfortunately, dropsey is a symptom of a bigger problem, not a disease by itself. The only relief from dropsey is an epsom salt bath. Dropsey is the swelling of the body due to organ failure. The epsom salts will draw some fluid out of your fish, but most cases of dropsey are fatal, I'm afraid :sad:
thanks for your concern Collen. She is lively and still feeding well - she seems happy ???

The pictures are alittle blurry, but, maybe it's just me, but I don't see any pineconing (the scales sticking out). Maybe I'm just an optimist, but I'm not so sure it's dropsey. How long has she been on the chuncky side? If she seems happy and healthy, maybe she is.
Yeah! she is quick so cant get a crisp pic. She has been "chunky" lol for about 3 weeks

The pictures are alittle blurry, but, maybe it's just me, but I don't see any pineconing (the scales sticking out). Maybe I'm just an optimist, but I'm not so sure it's dropsey. How long has she been on the chuncky side? If she seems happy and healthy, maybe she is.
Don't jump for joy just yet. Does it look like her scales are sticking out? I don't want to tell you it isn't dropsey, then have her die. If the scales don't look like they are sticking out, then it probably isn't dropsey.

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