Platy/swordtail Crosses

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 24, 2014
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Just a quick question about platy/swordtail crosses.  I have had platies for quite a while but have just added some swordtails into the mix.  I know they can crossbreed and that is fine with me.  I have read that the hybrids can be very colourful and quite an interesting mix.  I have also read that hybrids may end up with shorter swords or the platies may be a little longer than normal.
Does it matter which combination of parents?  What I mean is does a male swordtail with female platy produce a different looking fry to a male platy with female swordtail?
Since they can crossbreed so easily, does the suggested male:female ratio of 1:3 still apply to each fish individually or can that be combined?  Like if I had a lot of female platies can I have less female swords cause they will all breed together anyway?
Do they prefer to breed mainly with their same genus?  eg, even though they crossbreed will the male platies still prefer to mate with the female platies and the swordtails prefer to stick together? Or will they breed with any of them at the same rate?
The hybrid fry are fertile and able to breed aren't they?
I have also read somewhere about female swordtails changing to males late in life.  Is this actually possible of just a case of them initially looking female because their gondopodium hadn't developed yet?
Is there anything else I need to know about platies and swordtails crossbreeding?  
Thanks in advance to anyone who answers these questions!!! :) :) 
 if you're serious about crossbreeding platies and swordtails
 a ratio of  1:3 still applys , 1 male swordtail - female platies if given a choice [SIZE=10.5pt]they[/SIZE] they prefer to breed with their same genus.
and would probably not crossbreed. female swordtails do not chang  thay are late developing  males.  avoid crossing the fish with a lot of black pigmentation. 
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fish48 said:
 if you're serious about crossbreeding platies and swordtails
 a ratio of  1:3 still applys , 1 male swordtail - female platies if given a choice [SIZE=10.5pt]they[/SIZE] they prefer to breed with their same genus.
and would probably not crossbreed. female swordtails do not chang  thay are late developing  males.  avoid crossing the fish with a lot of black pigmentation. 
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 I bought this red eye red about a month ago it had the characteristics of being a female all swordtail fry start out looking like females. some males can take up to 18 months to develop depending on species
fish48 said:
 if you're serious about crossbreeding platies and swordtails
 a ratio of  1:3 still applys , 1 male swordtail - female platies if given a choice [SIZE=10.5pt]they[/SIZE] they prefer to breed with their same genus.
and would probably not crossbreed. female swordtails do not chang  thay are late developing  males.  avoid crossing the fish with a lot of black pigmentation. 
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Thanks for the reply, thought they would prefer the same genus.
I notice you mentioned 1 male swordtail to 3 female that the better then male platy and female swordtails?
I have noticed that one of my male 'swordtails' is not as thin as the others and his tail is not as long...could he possibly be a hybrid already and not a full swordtail???
A lot of pet shop swordtails (I've been told 'most', but I'm not sure how true that is) are already hybrids.
Female platies actually prefer males with swords, even though their own males don't have them, so they will readily hybridise.
pet shop Swordtails and platies are hybrids. thay are descended from a true wild species of swordtail) Xiphophorus hellerii and true wild species of platies Xiphophorus maculatus and Xiphophorus variatus. It is possible to get wild species from pet shops but very rare.

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