Platy Problems...


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
A pond in Canada
What is wrong with my platies!!!
They show no signs of pregnancy and arent showing any signs of mating

I have one sunset male who is very aggressive and almost bit a female to death (she was swimming funny all day after she was hit several times)
Could the fighting be a problem?

If so, how can I solve it

O yea, I have had my platies for about 2 months and I started them in a cycled tank (2 weeks of cycling)
Water is all good and no apparant problems with the equipment...
Temp is at 75 F

What should I do to encourage breeding?
first of are u sure there male and female second of all try turning ur heater up a notch, but i found that with platies there hard to breed the hardest livbreader i think
maybe if u get another female and another male to even it up a bit so the male as 2 choices!
I think they might be a little crowded. I don't know if that with effect breeding or not. They could feel a little bit stressed by not having enough "personal space".
I'm fairly new too, but I would suggest a female/male 3:1 ratio with the platy's. Also as Juggernaught said raise the temperature, they like it at about 78-80 for mating. With the fist thing in mind they usually act more social when they are in a group of atleast 3 or more. That might help. Because right now I have my 10 gallon dedicated to my platy's which are sunset and twinbar platy's and my twinbar is after this one female I think because she is big and also i think she might already be pregnant. But they always going at it and she just keeps running I might have to put more females in their because I know she is getting stressed out. I't slike all 3 of my males want the twinbar even my sunset. it's crazy.

sorry didn't see you had all those platy's!!!!!! disregard the 3 or more

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