Platy Looking Terrible! Maybe Attacked?


New Member
Oct 28, 2012
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My high fin platy is looking really sick or injured...not sure which. Here are my stats.

Tank size:10 gallons
tank temp:?

Fish Symptoms: The platy is covered in what looks like white spots (a fungi?) or it could be where scales have been torn off.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Just changed it today.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Just start right dechlorinater for the water change I did today

Tank inhabitants: Two high fin platys one yellow molly and one swordtail platy. ALL ARE SUPPOSED TO BE MALE.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): THe molly and the swordtail are new. I have noticed the swordtail kind of nipping at the other fish.

Exposure to chemicals:

Digital photo (include if possible):
This looks like ich(ick or white spot disease). You would need to treat them.
This looks like ich(ick or white spot disease). You would need to treat them.

Looks like you were right! Brought the fish to the pet store and they recommended melefix. We will see if it works, I am concerned I stressed him out taking him to the store. I just was afraid that I wouldn't describe it properly and get the wrong treatment. Took back the two males,they were just too territorial and I didn't realize that the Molly was going to be unhappy in a 10 gal. The pet store guy really gave me limited info! Anyway when I go back for the females, I will get three so they outnumber a males. And Im sticking with plattys!

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