Platy Hiding Behind Filter?


Mostly New Member
Jan 1, 2014
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Okay first of all I'm pretty new to fish keeping (well 6 months in..)+the forums, and I wasn't sure where this topic should go so please forgive me.
But anyway. For the last couple of days one of my platys has been hanging around by the filter in my 17L tank (yes I know to small but I've got a bigger tank which I'm in the process of having time to transfer them). I am really conceded why the fish is hanging round there and I'm scared that's they're ill..
Any advice? If you need any more information just let me know on here.. Happy to answer - just want my fish to be okay!

*in the tank there is 2 platys, unsure of the sex due to buying at pets at home (big mistake) and they couldn't tell us the sex?
I can help you as far as the sexing problems. the female with have a fanned out bottom fan, the males will be pointy. They might be becoming ill due to the tank size. but I couldn't tell you. sorry. good luck
Hi and Welcome to TFF!
I got my platies from Pets at Home too and still have the male and a few offspring from different broods in my 15G tank.
How big is your replacement tank? They really need a minimum of 15G to be healthy
Have you got some recent water test results?
If you are still unsure post some pictures of the fish with a side view and we can help. I raise guppies and its the same concept just different species. 
Hi, thanks for all the replies.
Fish seems to have changed a little bit. It's now coming out from behind the filter, but not that often. I think they're scared because they seem to be swimming around till you go and look at them, then 5 mins later they're back behind the filter. Also, my other platy does seem to be nipping at this one whose hiding behind the filter? - bullying maybe? I'm not sure...
Just about to transfer them over to their new tank which is bigger and will be nice and fresh & clean..hopefully will cheer them up and make them more relaxed. At the moment I'm putting it down to their tank being to small and them wanting some privacy. New tank is due to have some plants...I'm fine with them hiding if they want to, I just hate them hiding near the filter as they've got stuck a couple of times and I've had to move the filter with them stuck behind it which is horrible.
Will post some pictures later if they continue to hide. :]

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