Firstly, I know this is the second time in a week, but, I woke to a dead Mickey nose platy this morning and only just goin time to write this. It was struggling the night before with stringy poo and seemed in distress, so three days ago I fed de shelled crushe up peas to my whole tank as others also looked slightly bloated, and then didn't feed them again for two days. All fish returned to normal except this platy and another male platy who still looks bloated. I also have a female sailfin Molly who since dropping a ton of fry has had her gills slightly sticking out but on look it doesn't seem I can see anything but I don't know. Last but not least I have another male sailfin who has the yellow color on it becoming white towards to back part of the fish. The front end is full and healthy coloured and it is just the yellow color not the black Orr silver dots becoming white. I'm sorry for such a write up but I just want to make sure all is clear in my tank. There is thre questions I know ...
Request Help
Tank size: 200l
tank temp: 26
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Platy was staying at top of tank heavy breathing stringy poo, no discolouration. Female sailfin Molly no discolouration, normal behaviour all over tank just gills sticking out a little, also normal behaviour from male sailfin just discolouration. All fish eat perfectly fine.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: weekly
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: non
Tank inhabitants: around 20 mixed livebearers, 5 sterbia corydoras 3 bronze corydoras 4 neons and a bristlenose plec
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): live plants
Exposure to chemicals:non
Digital photo (include if possible):non sorry but possibly get some in morning
I'm sorry again for huge write up just want this sorted. I worry way too much but I'm thinking internal issues?
Request Help
Tank size: 200l
tank temp: 26
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):
Platy was staying at top of tank heavy breathing stringy poo, no discolouration. Female sailfin Molly no discolouration, normal behaviour all over tank just gills sticking out a little, also normal behaviour from male sailfin just discolouration. All fish eat perfectly fine.
Volume and Frequency of water changes: weekly
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: non
Tank inhabitants: around 20 mixed livebearers, 5 sterbia corydoras 3 bronze corydoras 4 neons and a bristlenose plec
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): live plants
Exposure to chemicals:non
Digital photo (include if possible):non sorry but possibly get some in morning
I'm sorry again for huge write up just want this sorted. I worry way too much but I'm thinking internal issues?