Planning A Mbuna Setup

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Im always wary about adding lots of things to the water to buffer as it can cost alot in the long run and you could get it horribly wrong.

If it were me and I was buying my fish from down the road I would ask the breeder what they use and what the water Parameters are before fiddling with my water GH as they might not do anything. Remember the fish might be tank bred so are used to local water conditions.

However I am a bad fish keeper, my fish get water straight out the tap with no added chemicals and are breeding like crazy. I also keep Wild caught fish in this environment aswell.

They have argos playsand and ocean rock (to help buffer the water abit).
+1 on the first 2 bits.
Ocean rock is brilliant and it looks sooo nice! Lol. I have a few largeish pieces for my mbuna and they love it

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