Planaria Tank Infection Pls Help!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2012
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hay all, I just recently put my berries female ghost shrimp in a 10 gal to deposit her eggs there was no feeding or filtration during the week. the baby shrimp hatched 2 days ago and there's about 30 of them. but the tank is filled with what I think is tiny planaria they are very small and they slide on the glass of the tank they so small they look like white scratches on the glass and there is also these tiny white dots crawling around on the glass with them about the size if a pin Head! how is this possible when there has been no Food! and how do I get rid of them Fast? must I try catch all the tiny shrimp and do a 100% water Change? its only a 10 gal thanks guys :)
Can you post a photograph? Using the macro mode on the camera if you can. From your description I think they might be copepods instead of planaria.
Likely both. I've had planaria and copepods(along with others)  in every tank I've ever setup and they are harmless so I let them be. I actually setup fry tanks and fill with used water from planted tank and let them sit for a bit. Add a bit of dead plant matter and it will cause enough critters/infusoria to feed small fry till they can accept larger foods.
so they can be Eaten? by puppy Fry? so if I pit a bunch of puppy fry in there u thinknthey will get Eaten?
oh and thanks for the reply guys :) and do u think shrimps will eat Them?
Not sure. In SW some shrimp do eat planaria but I am not sure about FW shrimp. The copepods are eaten by many fish. My mandarin in SW and my Scarlet Badis in FW eat nothing but them.

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