Pimafix, What Is It And Is It Safe With Shrimps?


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Jul 16, 2013
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Oxfordshire, UK
Hello all
Have a query about the med, Pimafix.
What is Pimafix exactly and what does it do? 
Have bought a bottle of this and information is vague at best on the label.
Read on other sites Pimafix and Melafix is basically just tea extracts, plausible I think.
I already use Rooibos tea in my tank so may not have to use Pimafix if this is the case.
Believe one of my rainbow fish has an internal parasite or bacteria as he is pooping out very thin, thinner than hair, and long lengths of it at times.
Here is bit more details and symptoms and why Pimafix may help as suggested in one of the posts, along with a large water change and no feeding for a few days.
Pimafix, is it safe to use with shrimps and snails?
Also have read that only dosing half dosages would be better rather than full dosages may affect shrimps and snails.
Is this plausible or true?
The more information I could have about this, would be great.
FYI, I also have a small amount of melafix as well.
Safe with snails, yes, and can actually be used to treat external infections in snails along with Melafix, although snails react more strongly to Pimafix than to Melafix. Snails can actually survive exposure to rather large but brief overdoses of both, but for a normal treatment it's less stressful for snails to ease into the dosage at half level for the first day or two. Otherwise they may start sliming as and those that are good climbers like apple snails may try to make a run for it at first (not good if the tank is open-topped or if the lid isn't heavy). Also, make sure when it's added it is in an area of active flow so it mixes well and also that there aren't any snails immediately nearby.
Off the top of my head I don't recall what the situation is with those two meds with shrimp.
I dosed some Melafix (yes I know it's not Primafix but that also claims its invertebrate friendly) in my tank (Cajeput oil) a while ago, not long after I introduced my Nerite snails, and when I did I poured the dose into/via my ehiem surface skimmer the two Neriite snails that were in the flow instantly dropped from the glass to the tank floor. For me that means they don't like the stuff
and when I did I poured the dose into/via my ehiem surface skimmer the two Neriite snails that were in the flow
Melafix and Pimafix have been well-tested on many species by the snail community, including Nerites. I have used both in tanks that had multiple different Nerite species and know others who have used it successfully on species I haven't had. But, like I said, the snails should be away from the area where it is added, not immediately downstream such that they get hit with all of it. It sounds like you added it in an area that basically dumped it right onto the snails anyway.
Yes definitely dumped it right into snails vicinity, but all snails  were re orientated and are doing well post dosage :)
are they safe to use with plecos and catfish---I have an angel that hasn't eaten in 6 days and is lethargic----no appearance symptoms except tiny black specs that may just be natural coloring--will it do any harm to use one of these meds to the entire tank?
of the two meds, which would you recommend to use (no snails in my tank)
Have had a look at the API websites for Pimafix, there is not actually a lot of information, not surprising really! 

In a nutshell, the information they provide, they state ingredients being all natural, naturally! 
bay oil 8006-78-8 1
non hazardous ingredients, including
water 7732-18-5 >60
Cannot find any more on as to what the non hazardous ingredients may be.
And the rest of it basically in about health and safety, handling and storage.


No real information (not for me anyway since am not science minded) about what actual ingredients are, and if its harmful for shrimps and snails, and at what dosages etc.
​If anyone, being of scientific minded can read between the lines of these,would be great if can comment.
All I want to know, is, is this Pimafix or Melafix safe to use for fish treatment for internal bacteria/parasite with shrimps and snails in the same tank?
A simple enough question but having had a look at various websites, other forums, I cannot find any conclusive evidence if this is the case, the nearest I've found is snails tend to be ok with half dosages of Pimafix, got that from another forum though so cannot trust it entirely.
Have not treated my tank with either Pimafix or Melafix yet, have done a large water change and no feeding for 3 days, will be feeding tonight normal micro pellet food.
In the tank, there is also Indian Almond leaf and some rooibos tea, these do contain a small amount of benefit for fish.
Kinda frustrating.
Am thinking do I write an email to API asking if these two products, Pimafix and Melafix, are safe to use in a community tank with shrimps and snails.
Gut feeling is, they are gonna say whatever they want in order to sell their products......

​BTW the thread fin is swimming around a little bit more, not much but a bit better than before and in middle of tank rather than on side of tank near filter intake tube, have not seen long stringy poop for a little while, but does not mean its not there as I work all day.
But he is not quite 100% his usual boisterous self, flaring all the time and being the top dog basically, he is much quieter. Gonna give it another few days.

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