Photos Of My New Pet


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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This is the first cool fish I have bought in a year. I kind of lost interest in the hobby for a few months. After sorting out my stock I decided to get a birchir. I have wanted one for a long time but never had room for one. I also never seen them at fish shops. Monday I was getting some suplys for my tank remodle and I had to look at the fish. Then I saw him. This tiny cute birchir swimming around. He came right to the glass. It was love at first site. I had to have him.

Here is my little cut new pet. These fish are so awesome.


Looks a lovely little birchir, I've come close to seriously thinking about adding them to my African collection a few times, but their adult ~60cm worries me (even in my 5x2x2).

Have you still got the CA cichlid tank with the bossy African Blockhead?
Looks a lovely little birchir, I've come close to seriously thinking about adding them to my African collection a few times, but their adult ~60cm worries me (even in my 5x2x2).

Have you still got the CA cichlid tank with the bossy African Blockhead?

There are many Bichirs that grow much smaller than 60cm.
The Senegalus pictured here by the OP, will most likely max out at around 7-8", and that will take a while.

Your tank would be OK for a larger Bichir too. an Endlicheri for example.
Looks a lovely little birchir, I've come close to seriously thinking about adding them to my African collection a few times, but their adult ~60cm worries me (even in my 5x2x2).

Have you still got the CA cichlid tank with the bossy African Blockhead?

Bad news I lost him and I don't know how. I just checked the water it was good. He was eating he was fine then I go to check on him and he is missing his head. I put my marble cray fish in the tank. But the crayfish had been living with Cory cats and never eat any. The other birchir in the tank was kind of acting weird. I think maybe he was sick. I am so sad.

I am going to ask my LFS to order a marble birchir for me. Thats the kind I really wanted. I bought this guy from a big chain store.

Oh and yes I still have most of them. The buffalo head is still doing well. I have my severum and the 2 Uarus but one uaru is not doing well he got his butt kicked too many times by the true parrot. I waited too long go sell the true parrot. I hope the uaru makes it. But I don't think he will.

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