I have a 180litre vision tank. I have had nitrate problems which have meant I have been buying in my water from local fish store. Now my nitrates are under control on taking in a water sample to get some more fish, have now discovered my PH was very acidic. I bought 'tropic Marin re-mineral tropic' and only added half of what I was told to, and did it over a period of an hour to prevent shock. This was last night. I have now checked ph before adding the rest, and have found it has now shot up to 7.6 ish / I have glowlight tetras, pepper corydoras, Pakistani loach danios and two other tetras I'm not sure what they are. Do I need to water change again and not add the buffer to try to dilute a bit or will it be ok and ring my local fish shop tomorrow? Thanks in advance and apologise if something similar has been posted before, I have only just joined forum.