PH Problem

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2004
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My tank water PH is 8.2 and from the tap it's 7.4. Obviously, something inside the tank must be causing this. I have some rocks in there that could be the culprit or possibly the carbon filter media. What could it be from and should i be concerned? I was thinking of dumping the carbon anyway since i hear it's not necessary anyway. Please help.
Carbon raises the pH a little but it shouldn't raise it that much. Maybe the rocks are affecting the pH, I know lace rock raises the pH, so I keep it in my african cichlid tank since they need higher pH.
The rocks would be the most likely culprit, but the PH is up nearly a full point and thats a lot. Do you have any coral pieces mixed into your gravel? Do you have a way to measure the GH of your water and KH?
GH= General Hardness?? Yes i can test it if thats what that is.
KH- Don't have a test for it. No,i don't have any coral,just rocks i got from outside. One of them concerns me cause its sort of a brown slate type of rock thats chips pieces off easily if i touch it. Maybe i need to get rid of that ASAP.
Obviously, something inside the tank must be causing this.

Not necessarily. I would pour a glass of tap water, let it sit uncovered for 24 hours, and then test its pH.

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