I did a 50% WC today. When I was done I did before and after tests. I tested the siphoned water in the bucket and I tested the water in the tank. Most of the tests came back the way you would expect but the ph is concerning. in the bucket it was 6.4 and in the tank it was 7.4. It has been five days since the last water change. My tap ph is 7.6. I do CO2 injection and the tap water was dechlorinated. The fish don't seen effected yet but is there anything I should do? Its a new tank only set up at the beginning of August and I did a fishless cycle. I knew the ph would lower with the CO2 injection. I do 50% every 5 days because the diatoms and brown algae has been really bad but I think I am getting ahead of that. I am going to monitor the ph daily to track how fast it drops. I don't have a RO//DI unit. ANy advise is greatly appreciated.