Parsons Nose


Fish Fanatic
Jul 20, 2014
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I have'nt fed my Assassins for over 6 months now. They seem happy ferreting around.
Question I have for the members who are in the know if I may?
If I cut off the parsons nose off a fresh chicken and skin it, can I put it in my tank raw  to feed my Assassins without having any detrimental effect on the water or the Guppies I have?
I don't think the raw meat would actually harm the fish, they may even pick at it themselves however meat very quickly fouls the water so I would not put it in the tank. Also any foods produced for human consumption (with the exception of organically grown) tends to go through a barrage of chemical additives through out its life, chemicals to worm and remove other pests and if fruit or veg to remove/ kill pests and diseases. These chemicals all have with holding periods were the chemical needs to stop being applied at set dates prior to being harvested for human consumption, however I doubt anyone has ever tested what the half life of certain chemicals would be in relation to still killing or causing other organisms harm aside from humans.
I concur.  I would never add any form of raw meat (including fish and shellfish) that is "human" food to an aquarium with fish.  
Given the reputation of chicken in the UK I would be wary of putting anything raw from one in a tank, or anywhere else for that matter. My son got campylobacter earlier this year when he didn't cook a chicken breast portion properly. He was ill for days.
Thank you ALL for your comments. NO chicken for Assassins. Thank you ALL again.
I feed my plecos and Kuhli Loaches tiny bits of Ox heart, When I say tiny I mean the size of a match head for each pleco and a match head for 10 Kuhlis they love it.

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