Paint My Tank

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Jan 15, 2012
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I'm looking for red.

I'm stocking my 55 gallon. Going with a planted tank this time.
Stocking so far:
X2 Angelfish. One black, one white.
6 polka dot loaches
2 Bolivian rams
3 Whiptail catfish if I can find them
And something... Red.
Looking for a bright red, small schooling fish. I want a big group of them. Like, twelve of them.

GO! :D
does the full fish have to be red? cuz they're a couple barbs like that, but otherwise there are rummynose tetras, red line torpedo barbs, they're not properly red but like.. yeah :lol:
but yeah, some rasboras are also another option :good:

also, not sure how well they school but check out cherry barbs :nod:

merah rasbora??

Rosy barbs are also an option :D they're lots!

of fish out there
does the full fish have to be red? cuz they're a couple barbs like that, but otherwise there are rummynose tetras, red line torpedo barbs, they're not properly red but like.. yeah :lol:
but yeah, some rasboras are also another option :good:

also, not sure how well they school but check out cherry barbs :nod:

I'd like them atleast mostly red. Rummynose are definitely an option though. Love those things! I also really like those Rasboras...
:lol: I'm being picky, I know. Not even sure if they're is such a fish out there! Size is negotiable, though I want a pretty big group of them, but i don't want the angels to snack on them.
After about five minutes of research... I think I'll go with the rummynose. Not a huge amount of red, But I just love how they school! Although If anyone knows of another fabulously schooling red fish please do tell!
How many Rummys do you think I could put in my tank? The tank will be heavily planted, 2 60Gal filters.

Hmmm... Schooling fish that is red.... RED ZEBRA DANIO :hyper:

Perfect! If I had the heart to purchase dyed fish :/ Beautiful little guys, just wish the color was natural!
Yeah.. i agree... You can get around 5 and up rummynoses, but they do best in groups of about 7-8 and up, how big is your tank and :lol: well.... what ur budget?
So have you settled on rummy noses?

Lol, there arent actually that much red schooling fish come to think of it :lol:
Yeah.. i agree... You can get around 5 and up rummynoses, but they do best in groups of about 7-8 and up, how big is your tank and :lol: well.... what ur budget?

Tank is 55Gal, heavily planted with 2 60Gal filters. :)
Budget doesn't matter, cause I already can get them pretty cheap.
So have you settled on rummy noses?

Lol, there arent actually that much red schooling fish come to think of it :lol:

I think so. I just love the way they move together! D
55G Will fit 7 easy! My angel five are laying eggs right now :lol:

i mean fish not five
How about Red Phantom Tetras? They get a lot more solid red and shoal nicely :good: They are big enough not to be eaten by adult angels and gentle enough to do no harm. Lovely species.

Cherry Barbs are lovely too, they dont shoal too well, ina planted tank they will shoal loosley in and out of the plants. Look excellant though...

Or if you was *really* red... you could get a group of red platies or a nice trio of red swordtails?
How about Red Phantom Tetras? They get a lot more solid red and shoal nicely :good: They are big enough not to be eaten by adult angels and gentle enough to do no harm. Lovely species.

Cherry Barbs are lovely too, they dont shoal too well, ina planted tank they will shoal loosley in and out of the plants. Look excellant though...

Or if you was *really* red... you could get a group of red platies or a nice trio of red swordtails?

Oh! This is hard! I like the Phantoms too!
I love sword tails, But I just really want a nice small schooling fish. Maybe I'll take something out and also get a few red swordtails.... decisions decisions....
Okayyyy... I feel like I'm on the verge of over stocked. Or possibly already over the line.

2 Angel fish
2 Bolivian Rams
4 Polka Dot Loaches
2 Whiptail Cats < Huge maybe on these.More research must be done!
3 Red Swordtails
8 Rummynose tetras

Opinions? Tank is 55 gallons, Heavily planted, sand... 2 60Gal filters... 50% weekly water change... ?
Okayyyy... I feel like I'm on the verge of over stocked. Or possibly already over the line.

2 Angel fish
2 Bolivian Rams
4 Polka Dot Loaches
2 Whiptail Cats < Huge maybe on these.More research must be done!
8 Rummynose tetras

Opinions? Tank is 55 gallons, Heavily planted, sand... 2 60Gal filters... 50% weekly water change... ?

Oooh I have a good idea!

2x Angel Fish
2x Bolivian Rams
6x Polka Dot Loaches
2x Whiptail Cats (love these guys)
12x Rummynose Tetras


A Scarlet Badis!


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