Fish Fanatic
Hello. I have a 55 gallon tank with an aquaclear 70 filter. Currently, my stock is this:
1 rainbow shark
1 blue acara
6 black skirt tetras
6 giant danios
3 (soon to be 4) green cory cats
Now, they are all juvies so for now I am all set, but when they are adults my tank will be over stocked. I plan on trading in the rainbow shark, but according to AQ Advisor, my tank will be 117% stocked once they reach adult sizes. I also am planning on building a moving bed filter.
So i guess my question is, is this highly overstocked? Would I be able to keep up with water quality through water changes or is this simply too much stock? Any advice?
1 rainbow shark
1 blue acara
6 black skirt tetras
6 giant danios
3 (soon to be 4) green cory cats
Now, they are all juvies so for now I am all set, but when they are adults my tank will be over stocked. I plan on trading in the rainbow shark, but according to AQ Advisor, my tank will be 117% stocked once they reach adult sizes. I also am planning on building a moving bed filter.
So i guess my question is, is this highly overstocked? Would I be able to keep up with water quality through water changes or is this simply too much stock? Any advice?