Overstocked Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 6, 2014
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Hello. I have a 55 gallon tank with an aquaclear 70 filter. Currently, my stock is this:

1 rainbow shark
1 blue acara
6 black skirt tetras
6 giant danios
3 (soon to be 4) green cory cats

Now, they are all juvies so for now I am all set, but when they are adults my tank will be over stocked. I plan on trading in the rainbow shark, but according to AQ Advisor, my tank will be 117% stocked once they reach adult sizes. I also am planning on building a moving bed filter.
So i guess my question is, is this highly overstocked? Would I be able to keep up with water quality through water changes or is this simply too much stock? Any advice?
you might have aggression between the shark and blue acara, but I have not kept these fish together so i'm not 100% sure. depending on the fish size and age will always determine if you will be over stocked or not. as long as the tank is large enough so that the fish is able to grow to the healthy size then all you need to do is keep up maintenance and make sure that the environment is healthy and then later on not over stocked as you are doing now. 
IMO i think you should rehome the shark because as all sharks are they need loads of swimming room, as for the acara it is a cichlid and can be kept in your tank. as it is part of the cichlid family you'll have to watch out for the aggression levels. it'll go after life plants if not in pots. you can keep the acara as the show fish, up the number of cories to 6 (makes better school) and have either the two types of tetras you have now to 6 in each group or pick one type of tetra and you can have a group (depending on which you choose) to around 15.
just make sure that everything is cycled (would recommend a external filter IMO they are better then hang on.. buy one never have to buy again if you take care of it :p) do weekly water changes with treated water and you are good to go.
Yes i plan on rehoming the shark. He is being picked on by the blue acara. Not relentlessly or anything like that, just territorial. I love my aquaclear. Its awesome. Also, like i had mentioned, i am planning on building a moving bed filter. Im not going to add anymore tetras or danios. I think another school of fish would be way too much. They would be bumping into each other, but a few more cory's would be good. I just wanted to know if my tank is badly overstocked once they reach adult sizes. They are all juvies now so im not too worried about this at the moment, im just thinking about the future.
Also my acara is fine towards all other fish except the shark. They are ok for the most part but he is the only one the acara seems to care about. I only have a couple plants so im not too worried about those.
I wouldnt of thought it would be to bad just keep on top of the water changes and keep an eye on water quality 
Yeah, the water is nice and it doesnt seem crowded, but i checked aqadvisor.com and it says i need to increase filtration.

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