

New Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I seem to be struggling with my plants which, apart from the ones my fish eat, seem to either slowly succumb to an algea covering or just lose all condition and die. When I take them out they always seem to have rooted quite well.

I have a 30x12x15 tank, fairly well stocked and water change every couple of weeks. I was wondering if I'm over filtering?
Lighting - I use two 2ft flourescents - I think both are sun glo but one is quite old (about two years).

I use a Interpet Prime 20 filter and have been running an airstone but have stopped that recently.

Any ideas?
Hi Bobdog.
I'm perhaps not the best to attempt to answer this. as most plants don't do to well in my tank, and the ones that do the fish eat. Anyhow a couple of questions as your light appears adequate depending on the wattage but it maybe an idea to change the tubes if they're that old. Assuming that the lighting is in the tank hood and you have about an inch of substrate you should be looking at a minimum of 50 watts for low light plants but I'd say you'd be better of with about 100 to 120 watts, it all depends on the plants.
What plants have you tried in the tank?
Some thrive on low light while others require a strong light and of course all the in between ones.
Also have you checked the water parameters? as it could be you have to much of one and not enough of the other in the water.
Finaly how long has the tank been set up?

Another answer is like a lot of people you may not have the "aquatic-green thumb".. Mine's a sort of yellow green colour so plants either grow or don't in most cases the don't.

Anyway sorry I aint been much help but hopefully the Q's will allow some of the others to help you better.
Just done some Math.
Your overfiltered by a bit.
For planted tanks you might only need the tank turned over every two hours, your probibly every turning your yank over every 15mins just now.
hi Bobdog,
Aquatic plants usually decay and die off in aquariums for two reasons; 1) inadequate light - but your lighting seems to be sufficient. 2) Inadequate nutirtion- your plants may be lacking the nuturients it needs, nutrients can be derived from fish wastes and uneatened food or by chemical means. I'de like to find out about your fish population, but most likely you should invest in a liquid fertilizer.
However there more scenarios why you plants are dying, whats your gravel like?
Do you have fish that disturb gravel profusely?

hope this can help.

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