Our Kittens Life Taken By Two Dogs

"There is absolutely nothing natural about domestic animals killing people or other domestic animals."

Killing people - no, it is not natural.

Killing small animals - excuse me, but what are all of the hound & terrier breeds for? Do you think they all just sniff out small animals and that's that? NO. Have you ever met a Husky? They are notorious for chasing & injuring small animals, but also notorious as one of the sweetest & most tolerant breeds with small children. Working breeds also have high prey drive regarding small animals, that does not correlate in any way to attacking children. My Beagle mix killed small animals, but I grew up with that dog as a child and she wouldn't dare nip a human of any age or size. Of course this is a horrible situation, but telling the OP she needs to poison the dogs will ONLY continue & encourage the cycle of animal abuse. Beating up the owner, on the other hand, is a sensible option.
If they would attack your cat they will certainly attack small children

What a load of crap. Thats like saying because some working dogs are trained to kill vermin they will attack kids. :no:

You lot sound like a bloody witch hunt with the mentality to match, These dogs were most likely doing as they were told by the no brain owner and don't know any different.

Of course it is terrible and wrong what has happened to this little kitten and his poor family must be distraught, but killing these dogs is wrong, they should be seized from the owner as he obviously doesn't respect any living animal so certainly shouldn't own any. After their seizure they should be assesed to check their temperment, if then they show agression during these test and a good behavourist cannot repair the mental damage that arse has put them through then and only then should you consider putting them to sleep.

You have to understand that nearly all behavour in dogs is taught by the owner, good ones instilled and bad ones discouraged and controlled.

As for the owner, there is no hope for people like him and as the law is in this country is so dung nothing will happen, even though he deserves a good hiding it will only fall badly on the person who does it as the law will be on his side, so then not only have the owners lost their little baby they are also in court for GBH or worse.

To the OP
You could get together with your community and petition to the council for the removal of these dogs, if it is council accomodation then take it to the housing manager as an official complaint
Hi thanks for all your comments they have helped me to push for the removal of these dogs, alot of good advice has been posted in this thread which has been very helpfull along with a lot of bad which would just make me as bad as the owner and prob get me locked up.
I have decided to take the wife and kids away to dorset for a few days, The authries have my mobile number i will let you all know the out come when i get back once again thanks for your comments youve been a great help.
Hi thanks for all your comments they have helped me to push for the removal of these dogs, alot of good advice has been posted in this thread which has been very helpfull along with a lot of bad which would just make me as bad as the owner and prob get me locked up.
I have decided to take the wife and kids away to dorset for a few days, The authries have my mobile number i will let you all know the out come when i get back once again thanks for your comments youve been a great help.

It is great that you have kept a clear head though all of this, as it is so easy to act in the haze of grief, hope you and your family are holding up and that eventually something will come of this :nod:
To the OP
You could get together with your community and petition to the council for the removal of these dogs, if it is council accomodation then take it to the housing manager as an official complaint

Thanks i have 3 witness that are willing to help i leave for dorset in a hour i will defo look in to that when i return
CFC, I don't think anyone has a problem with the idea that dogs ought to be placed under restraint and prevented from killing small animals.
What strikes me as surprising is your repeated statement that the dog itself bears moral responsibility and ought to "know better". This surprises me after having read all your posts in the past about how aggressive/predatory animals (viz. fish) are not to blame for following their instincts and that the blame for any untoward incident lies with the fish owner who mixes unsuitable species.
Do you mean that if one of your predators were to get at and eat one of my beloved guppies, I could blame the fish for not exercising moral restraint- particularly, as you've probably reared it on frozen foods, so it has no excuse for identifying my guppy with food (wasn't that your argument with the dog reared on tinned food?)? Surely the blame would lie with the idiot who let the wrong fish into the same tank?
All right, you will say, but a fish hasn't got the brain to modify its behaviour- a dog can be trained.
Yes, but doesn't this presuppose one vital condition: that training is provided? Which does not seem to be the case here.
What a dog does not have, as opposed to a human being, is the ability to evaluate his training and form independent moral judgments. You might as well blame your fish for lacking this ability. In this one respect, despite its higher intelligence, a dog is more like a fish than like a human being. Human beings, on the other hand, once they reach maturity, do have this ability- and the corresponding responsibilities.

Cichlidcrazy, I am so sorry for your loss- and for the shock to the children too. And it must be very hard to know that this man and his dog are still around, and worry about what might happen. It's really awful.
I am so sorry for your loss, it must have been absolutely horrific and I really feel for you and what you must be going through.

The RSPCA would more than likely (if they take the dogs away) put them to sleep, adult german shepherds with one strike against them are not easily rehomable and there are thousands of other dogs without that strike that are desperate for homes.

Instinct is part of us all, and feeling aggressive in defence of your family, pets, friends etc is natural, I think if most people saw one of their beloved pets getting attacked by another animal and could help their pet by seriously injuring of killing the strange animal, most would do so, without a second thought.

I am not condoning violence in any way, I also believe that the owner is mainly to blame for the whole dreadful incident and he needs punishing severely by the authorities, though the worst that will probably happen would be a fine, though more likely he'll get a warning. The dogs had no chance of being trained to deal with smaller animals with an owner like that and as such are a danger to all small animals, and though I don't believe that it makes them child killers it would make me wonder (due to the savagery of the attack) what would have happened if the dogs came across a small child holding a kitten.

Mainly in this thread I would like to say what a horrible thing to happen and due to it not being an accident, there should be some sort of punishment for the owner, but unfortunately in England I think most would people agree that though the victims have to deal with what happens for most of their lives, the people who do the damage get next to nothing.

Good luck with your complaint and again I am so sorry that you have to endure anything as horrible as this, and I hope that the outcome is what you want as it is your loss. (though of course I know you won't be happy, just I would like you to feel justice is done).
Killing small animals - excuse me, but what are all of the hound & terrier breeds for? Do you think they all just sniff out small animals and that's that? NO. Have you ever met a Husky? They are notorious for chasing & injuring small animals, but also notorious as one of the sweetest & most tolerant breeds with small children.

I understand this, but there are great responsibiltys that comes with owning a dog, and these responisbilitys include keeping the animal retrained regardless of it's aggresion or lack there of, MORE SO in a residential area (where children and other animals are present).

"If they would attack your cat they will certainly attack small children"

What a load of crap. Thats like saying because some working dogs are trained to kill vermin they will attack kids.

You lot sound like a bloody witch hunt with the mentality to match, These dogs were most likely doing as they were told by the no brain owner and don't know any different.

There is a differance between a coker spaniel killing rats and german shepard doing teh same, thogh they both have the same potential for agression, teh shepard is obviously a larger threat as it is a big animal, more so of a threat if the owner is irresponsible and lets it run loose. This is by no means a witch hunt as we are not searching for the guilty party as it was obviously the owner. i apologize for threatening the lives of the dogs (had i been in a similar situation), while its clearly the owner who is to blame.
Just for the record, because no one has explained it yet, everyone has been saying dogs that attack cats and such aren't necessarily a danger to people because there are different types of aggression. Prey aggression is not the same thing as aggression towards people, as dogs certainly don't see people as prey, and they are perfectly capable of understanding that a child is a small human -- they do identify things mostly by scent, after all. There are basically three main types of aggression; that directed toward prey-type animals, that directed towards other dogs, and that directed towards people. Just because a dog is one doesn't meant it's automatically either of the others, they are three entirely separate things in the mind of a dog.
However, the indifference of the owner to the attack on the cat is troubling, because unlike dogs, people who are indifferent to the suffering of animals are often indifferent to the suffering of other humans as well.
Oh my god... that is awful.

I am crying too, but I can only imagine how sad you and your family must be. Hugs to you all!

:rip: Bagpuss, poor baby.

I'm not going to type here what's running through my head right now, but it is a very graphic description of what I would like to do to that man...

Stay strong cichlidcrazy...
thanks to everyone who has posted such kind words it has helped a great deal . Sadly i dont think anything is going to be done to the owner of the dogs , as much as we have tried , i get the feeling we are just being fobbed off. I have left several messages with the dog warden on numerous occasions to get back to me she finaly did today.I had to tell her again what had happend as she couldnt remember i asked if the letter had gone out she said it had and that he had not yet replied to it.I think she just said this to shut me up and i dont even think any letter has been sent.One thing i do know is that the owner is still walking his dogs off lead as i have seen him on numerous occasions .Well i feel that we have done our best to put things right but it seems it has fallen on deaf ears .I only hope these dogs dont attack again that would be absolutley terrible.
i am really sorry for your loss. he looked like such a lovely kitten.
Like someone said earlier you could try a petition or something simalar or even write your neighbour a letter yourself.

I do think it is in a dogs nature to hunt in certain ways. My dog was once in the garden and then chased after a squirrel which he then pouncd on and caught. i called his name and told him to come inside. The look on his face was pure shock he caught it but then didnt have a clue what to do with it he jumped backwards with surprise and came in and the squirrel was unhurt and ran away. My dog also once pounced on a bird which did unfortunatly die but my dog has a playfull nature so i beleive it was an accident just like with the squirrel. Should my dog be put down because of it no he shouldnt. He is perfect with children and ever so gentle with everyone.
The owner is completely to blame those dogs should be on alead in a residential area. (only time my dog isnt on a lead is when hes walking in a huge farmers field where no people go apart from other dog walkers)
What them dogs did was terrible but the owner should have control over his animals otherwise he shouldnt have them at all.

again so sorry for your loss and hope something is done about it.


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