
When you say bio load? If you mean what are the requirements?

Your looking at 75g minimum for one but bigger the better. Generally the rule is 150g for 2, though some people have success with 2 in a 90g but its not a perfect situation.

They also poop..... a lot, on the big tanks ideally you want something like a Fluval FX5 or maybe even 2.

I'd go with the above and say an fx5.... Or 2 :) they produce loads of waste as they are big and just won't stop eating. My tiger Oscar was 3 inch when I had it and if I offered food he would always take it. He was in a 55 gall with a Senegal birchir. The Oscar grew roughly an inch a month until I re homed him at around 7 inches and he was a good depth and width
I saw a pair today £8 each and about 2 and half inch long, was going to get them but didn't really know much about them
That's a fair price. Paid the same for mine. What size tank would they be going into if you got them? And what other fish would they be with?

They are very rewarding fish to have if you ask me. They are known to interact with their owners. They will come up to the front of the tank when you enter the room or put the light on in the room or tank. They also beg for food if you open the tank lid. I used to hand feed mine and if I let him he would jump for food (probably not advised lol)
Yeah my fish do that as well weird int it knowing that fish know who you are lol, and they would god into a 5x3x2 with
2 kribs
2 Swardtail
1 platy
2 clown loach
1 red fin 1 rainbow shark
1 plec
2 bristle noes
2 firemouth
But my swardtails tetras platy and kribs will be going soon
The sharks will prob turn on each other, the clowns would be ok and the firemouths and plecs would. Everything else would likely be food when the oscars are bigger
Bioload of two oscars.......I had to cycle a tank with two 6 inch oscars because the previous owners did not know they weren't supposed to throw out the filter pads. They generate about 5ppm of ammonia every 24hrs and poop twizzlers. Mine are in a 125g tank and are about 8-9 inches now, and doing great. If you are planning to get a pair for your fish tank, most of the current stock would need to be rehomed and they will eat any and all of the fish you have.
Bioload of two oscars.......I had to cycle a tank with two 6 inch oscars because the previous owners did not know they weren't supposed to throw out the filter pads. They generate about 5ppm of ammonia every 24hrs and poop twizzlers. Mine are in a 125g tank and are about 8-9 inches now, and doing great. If you are planning to get a pair for your fish tank, most of the current stock would need to be rehomed and they will eat any and all of the fish you have.
To put it bluntly, as a snack, (once a week) i feed my oscars two 3inch silversides, which they wolf down greedily.

Meet Kirby, during snack time....and yes, that is a fish in his mouth.

Yeah my fish do that as well weird int it knowing that fish know who you are lol, and they would god into a 5x3x2 with
2 kribs
2 Swardtail
1 platy
2 clown loach
1 red fin 1 rainbow shark
1 plec
2 bristle noes
2 firemouth
But my swardtails tetras platy and kribs will be going soon

Hobo & ham sandwich come to mind. Some time back I had to use a pair of needlenose pliers to remove a bristlenose from my oscar. If they think they can eat it they will try. Any time you are dealing with cichlids you need a backup plan, a divider at the very least, a spare tank is better.
Ok thanks or the information I'll put the oscers on hold for abit as I want to up some numbers of my fish as I have just got rid of 6 fish

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