

New Member
Mar 17, 2012
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Hi just wanted to show off my Oscar.
Ahh very sweet, wait for the big changes
, hows he getting along?
He's getting on great thanks he's with a jack Dempsey and they get perfect apart from feeding time. He's my first Oscar and you hear people say that there more than just a fish and I now know why. He can be a right little grumpy #28### when I'm late feeding him or if I've been out all. Loves to play such a great fish to have very happy with him.
Yes ive always loved Oscars, kept quite a few now, got a beautiful breeding pair,but nothing will come from spawning as to much action in tank with tank mates, but as you have stated there so comical, litterally like having aquatic dogs, wiggling at glass when you walk in door desperate for food.

Make sure you feed a very varied diet, this way they do not become fussy about a particular food, that can them become problamtic, also deshelled peas every so often good for the system,

Try to move things around in tank now and again, use big syphon for gravel vac, this way they do not become scared and used to changes, as some become grumpy and sulk for days after a change around..
Will do! he does sometimes get very grumpy after a clean or adding a new fish ha. Your right they are like a dog always want attention ha.
Cool looking Oscar, I'm also keeping Oscars for the first time also, and have easily become my fav fish, I currently have 2 (Reggie & Marley)

They grow pretty quickly have had them 3 weeks this Saturday. Reggie is the biggest out of the 2, He's getting a right bruiser lol.

I recommend purchasing this book, really cheap, and very very informative


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