My 5' nears cycled; so what order to add fish?
My thoughts are to start with 2 bichir, 3 reedfish, 10 upside-down cats; then 6 leopard and 6 congo bushfish and lastly the 5 african butterflies...
I realise I need to be aware that small will be eaten by large if I'm not careful; do any of these have a relatively rapid growth rate when compared to each other, that I need to be wary about e.g. do the upside-downs need to be larger initially if the growth rate of the bichir is relatively rapid....or am I putting too much thought into this!?
My thoughts are to start with 2 bichir, 3 reedfish, 10 upside-down cats; then 6 leopard and 6 congo bushfish and lastly the 5 african butterflies...
I realise I need to be aware that small will be eaten by large if I'm not careful; do any of these have a relatively rapid growth rate when compared to each other, that I need to be wary about e.g. do the upside-downs need to be larger initially if the growth rate of the bichir is relatively rapid....or am I putting too much thought into this!?