

Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
apart from the standard stupidity of marketing this sort of thing with an unsuitable fish.
what do you think of the concept?


  • 419863_370034903066220_1389595248_n.jpg
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It looks like it's going to fall off the shelf. I don't approve (Simply because I'm paranoid about that sort of thing happening) :p
smash :crazy: it look's like its about to fall but i quite like it (taking out the fact it cant be used for fish and that you cant clean it)
It would make a really cool planted tank, maybe with some snails or something in it though :) :p But it wouldn't be ideal for plants, I don't think you could get a very good light bulb int here. Though you could set it right by a window
I think that goldfish will have a better death if the thing falls off....

Better than cramped organs and ammonia burns, faster too
well thanks for the 3 people that voiced their opinion.
TFF hasn't changed then, loads of views few replys.
This may sound daft but as iys at a constant slant wont it effect the fishes perception of being upright?!
Not my cup of tea.
Whatever next .... Upside down fish tanks!!! lol.
I like it as a concept. Salvador Dali esq. Not for a goldfish though.
I like it, I can see lots of yuppie type people in London buying this for their posh apartments.......just needs tiny tiny fish in..... :huh:
How would you attach a filter to it? An internal/hob wouldn't fit and even a tiny external would have a tube sticking down the middle of it and a spray bar wouldn't fit.

And as the others have said, it looks precariously balanced. Even though it is probably designed so it won't fall off, I'm clumsy enough to knock it off.

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