Opinions On Manzanita Driftwood


Hammer Time
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Sep 23, 2013
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Northeastern USA
might buy this for my 24 inch tall hex tank--the wood is 17x13x9 inches.   How long will it take to sink and stay on the bottom  or will I have to weight it.  Opinions welcome
I've had some in a tank before and I had to tie it to a rock to get it to sink. It's just too light. I also had issues with it leeching a horrible brown dust all over my sand. It's currently sat in my 30 litre tank and it's still dumping this horrible brown stuff all over the place. On play sand it looks dreadful.
Nice piece of wood, lot of options on what you can do with that in a tank.
But, making the wood waterlogged and staying down can take a little while.
What i normally do with any new pieces of wood is firstly to pour boiling water over the wood to get rid of any potential nasties and give it a good scrub, and pour boiling water over wood again before i  put the wood in a suitable sized container filled with water with just an airline to give a little flow and aeration to the water and tie wood to usually a rock and sink it. And change the dirty water for clean whenever it requires it. I usually put his container out of the way into a cupboard or something so it dont looks messy and clutters up the room for whatever length of time it takes.
The advantage of doing things this way, it won't mess up the tank with tannins and bits of wood everywhere, even though the tannins are beneficial to the tank, many folks don't like the look it gives to the tank water.
It can take anything from several days to weeks, even months before the wood will sink on its own, this does depends on the the type of wood.
Its worth doing, as you know the wood is safe and leached of all bits of wood and tannins. of course will look great in your tank ;)
I bought the piece for $27 plus $14 shipping.  I'm thinking of mounting with a screw on a piece of flagstone standing up on the solid  thick end to get max height in my tall hex tank.  I will place it behind a loglike wood piece which has 6 inch tall anubias on it.
Here's a before pic of tank
got the wood, soaked it for a couple days, attached to flagstone, and here is the new look in my 35 gallon 24 inch high tall hex tank
i have manzanita, each piece took very little time to sink and didnt leach any tannins nor bits of crud....Love the stuff, but very expensive to buy here
I use to keep Manzanita That I found in the woods near me. It looks great in the tank and I agree will not discolor the water. I never had problems with it. The stuff I would find was very dry so it took a few days to get water logged. I like what you did with yours. 
added two small pieces of manzanita wood on the substrate and added some anubias to the large piece---may add some moss to the branches to complete the look.  Notice the nice flower coming out of the happy anubias plants.
it certainly looks good! Glad it worked out for you :)
Nice looking Rasboras, I have 6 Glowlights in with my Gouramis, Rasboras are lovely fish.

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