Operation Transformation


New Member
Dec 20, 2012
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Okay so I've made so many mistakes with my fish and just now want to give them a better life! I have four goldfish around 5-6 cm long! and one male betta. 
I would like to know exactly everything I should have for my fish a "shopping list maybe"? 
I live in Ireland where temperatures are cold in the winter mostly 2-8 degrees celsius and sometimes -3 to 0 degrees celsius, I would love to give the four goldfish a big"gish" pond, So I was wondering what size and any links to how to build/maintain/buy one.
I also would like the perfect Ideal set up for a betta, If I get the pond for the goldfish the largest tank I could put the betta in would be a 20 gallon! So what should I get for him?
Thank you all so much! Please don't be mad as I'm turning a new leaf and want to give my fish complete proper care! As I said I'm from Ireland so products and information would be ideal if it was accessible (Dublin, Ireland to be exact)
Thank you all!
I don't think fish would do well in sub-zero temperatures.
I can't actually find any online places that ship to Ireland but there are pet stores in Dublin, from my short search.
If your goldfish are anything other than single tailed "common" or "comet" goldfish a year round pond isn't possible. Fancy goldfish (anything with two tails like black moors and fantails) don't fare well over winter.
For the goldfish:
75 gallon aquarium (minimum)
150 gallon filter (or two 75 gallon filters) for a total of at least 400gph (I think? Someone correct me if I'm wrong)
300watt heater (adjustable and submersible)
In tank thermometer
Either bare bottomed or 60lbs extra large river rock
Lid with light
Silk or live plants (java fern or anubias)
2 or more air stones powered by air pumps
Water conditioner (prime is a good brand)
High quality goldfish food (like Omega One)
For the betta:
5 gallon tank (minimum)
5 gallon filter (~50gph)
25 watt heater (submersible and adjustable)
In tank thermometer
Lid with light
Water condtioner
5lbs sand or gravel
Assorted live or silk plants
Betta pellets (Omega one, once again, good brand)
And various frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, krill, mysis shrimp, peas, cucumber, etc.
VickyChaiTea said:
I can't actually find any online places that ship to Ireland but there are pet stores in Dublin, from my short search.
 Hey I just wanted to quote you so you will get this notification, Thank You so much it truly means a lot to me thank YOU so MUCH!!!!!!

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