Ongoing Fish Issues


Mostly New Member
Aug 8, 2014
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Hello I have had on going fish deaths for a while does not happen very close together but can not get to bottom of it. Tropical fish tank currently have left tetras and 1 danio just recently lost balloon Molly and a platy. Water tests ok and never show much difference. Checked to see my test kit is accurate which it is, done treatment for bacterial and parasite ,do regular water changes I clean filter pad in fish water I have decreased feeding the night before one would look off balance problems swimming straight next day they are dead normally all the same signs no obvious fin, scale problems. Don't know whether it could be an oxygen problem? my filter is two years old and not as fast with water flow it used to be so I have ordered a new one dnt know whether its the melafix treatment isn't working or it's not to do with it old it be my heater dropping temp with out me knowing and causing stress? That's two years old as well I Haven't been using the condensation tray recently hope you can help thanks
Sorry to hear about your fish
Look through the list I have posted below and let us know if any of this applies to you.
  • When you say your water tests are 'ok', what actually are the readings? Ammonia and nitrite should both be at 0. Also are you sure you did the test correctly? You usually have to shake the tube really hard for a minute or so to get an accurate reading.
  • Do you have a thermometer? If not then get one and see if the tank temp has fallen at all. If it has, you will have to replace your heater as this may be what is causing it.
  • Do you have carbon in your filter? if so then temporarily remove it as it will be preventing the medication from working.
  • Lastly have you recently replaced any of the media in your filter as this may have caused an ammonia spike. If your test results really are fine though then this wont be the case.
This is all I can think of ATM but other members might be able to think of some other causes.
Well, first thing I'm wondering is how you're checking your test kits are accurate? Are you getting a sample tested at your lfs and comparing results. One thing springs to mind when you say the condensation trays are removed. Do you use any aerosols or plug in air fresheners in the room? Even furniture polish can be pretty toxic. If it was a low oxygen level you would see your fish breathing rapidly and hanging at the surface. The most important test you need to carry out is for ammonia. Any positive reading spells trouble.
Sorry to hear about your losses, hope you get to the bottom of the cause.
Hello my readings are oh approx 7.6 ammonia o nitrite 0 nitrate about 5-10 used to have test strips but now have bottle kit have been to pet shop and tests are the same. I know nitrate show be 0 have reduced feeding to help and did more small water changes to help I have put the condensation tray back last nite do not use any chemicals in room no perfume, I dust with water and cloth I have a thermometer and have one that is digital I have just put in what's the best temp to have them at I have them at 28c I have said I dry my washing on an airer next to tank before on forums which have fabric softener in etc but everyone has always say that shouldn't be a problem. I do water changes regularly but is hard as no visible signs when they die like spots etc yes us carbon in tank do I really need it ? I take it out when doing treatment as for tests I have only really been shaking the nitrate test as says to do that for accurate result
How long do you leave the carbon out for? You should leave it out for a few days after doing the treatment. Don't put it back in straight away.
Other than that I'm sorry to say that I have no idea what may be causing it. Have you added anything new to the tank? anything at all?
Hello carbon was left out for the treatment 7days and put in back in the day after why would that mean the treatment would not have been completed? Have not added new fish lately not convinced it is a bacterial problem dnt know if it is the filter pushing dirt back into the water or something I've ordered a new one to come tomorrow same one just new one would I be ok to just used the current filter pad and transfer it to the new filter so tank wouldn't go through cycle process as using the pad with all the bacterial in it ? What's the best treatment for problems I've Been using melafix thanks for you help
Replacing the filter might work but if there were problems with the filter your water readings would be showing something.
Can we get a few more details on the tank please - what is the tank size in liters, what is the make and model of the filter and how many fish of each species did you have before things started going badly. What and when were the last fish added?
Then with the fish, I know you said about the fish looking fine but did you notice any red streaks in the fins or any white patches anywhere on the fish. Generally when fish are dropping for no reason in a healthy tank with a good maintenance regieme is a disease called Columnaris which can stay dormant in fish but do take fish quickly. 4
With the medication and the carbon with Melafix and Primafix you dont need to use carbon to remove it a water change will dilute it enough for it not to be an issue. The other medications I would recommend are the Waterlife range, equally you dont generally need any carbon after using them as they dont affect the fish or filter in a negative way 2-3 weeks of water changes will have removed enough from the tank. And in the diluting over 2-3 weeks it will really kill of any nasties lurking.
Hope that helps
Hello never overstocked my tank always kept it under recently have lost two balloon mollies 4 neon tetra 2 Coreys over a space of time currently have left four lemon tetra 2 neon tetra 1 baby Molly I danio that's it haven't bought fish for a few months and that was the 2 mollies I have a 64litres fish box intrepet filter I buy new food regularly and change it to bloodworm etc to vary their diet they show no marks on them ulcers, spots etc they show signs of what a fish with swim bladder problems would have tried isolating them but doesn't make any difference what's the best cause of treatment if they have got what you said ? and do I really need carbon in my filter can I just leave it out all together ? Thanks
So before the fish started dieing your stocking was like this
2 Mollies
1 Baby Molly
6 Neon Tetras
4 Lemon Tetras
1 Danio
2 Cory catfish (which species were these?)
If you quickly add up the adult sizes of those fish you end up around 25-30 inches and while the inch per gallon rule is very vague and not a fully accurate way of working out the health of a tank it is a quick way to work out what the conditions are like. So there were quite a lot of fish in there if I have read your post right.
I would look at your nitrate test again, as I would expect a higher reading with that many fish in the tank. With the liquid tests you often have to be very vigorous with the shaking and for the full time on the bottle. Most tap water in the UK has a base level of nitrate in it as most of the water supplies come from reservoirs and draining ditches. The EU limit for nitrate in tap water is 50ppm - my water for example is 40ppm out of the tap.
If it looks like it could be swim bladder the usual treatment is to feed the fish peas - cooked and chopped up for them this will usually sort them out.
Hello they were corydoras julli had them since feb so ideally how much space have I got left ? for more fish in ur opinion I'm not going to buy anymore at the moment basing it on neon or the small tetra family yeah I have tested the nitrate just the tap water when I go to the fish shop they say the nitrate should be 0 but that's impossible as I have nitrate in the tap water the nitrate is not higher than 20 hard to gauge have to do it in the same light. Totally random put a lot of the black spots have come off my heater in the tank are they there for a reason ? Could it harm the fish if they have come off like given them a shock etc thanks
Like I say Nitrate will rarely be 0 because of the way the water comes through to our taps. The main thing is to keep on top of filter cleaning and water changes.
With the heater Im not sure what you mean exactly? Does it look like the writing on the heater is coming off or is it just algae?
With regards your stocking I would say you were over stocked and now you have fish that are not really suitable for a 15 gallon tank. The Lemon Tetras would be better suited to a bigger tank as they are quite a large growing tetra and very active. Also the same with the Danio they are incredibly active and need a large group in a large, long tank.
Given the recent incidents in the tank maybe its time for a bit of an over haul with slightly better planning around the stock list? Though we need to make sure what ever is going wrong is fixed first!

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