Betts fish help

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Jan 22, 2024
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I have notice that my beta fish have looks like wound or something on side .
I start treat my tank with pimaflex and melafix 6 days ago .water was good before I start treatment .tomorrow I should change 30% of water .any idea what can be to my fish ?


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Can you provide some more info--tank size, temp, water change regimen, tank mates, what you feed, water parameters?
Tank size 150l
I have 1 tetra
Beta 3 beta fish
Cory fish ,pleco,
Temp 28-29
Water change every month
All Water parameters always are good (usually perfect)
Betas feed viba bites
Rest Fish feed krill and bug bites flakes and probiotic tropical ,bug bites and sinking palets for bottom fish,and algae wafers
Looks good a lot but i give small portion one time a day food not staying usually after 5 min on top it’s no food and my beta not eat from bottom ..these fish together for 2-3 month
Sorry, I'm not clear on the above. Are you saying there are 3 bettas in the tank?
If you've got three betta in your tank that's probably the cause. Bettas won't tolerate other bettas (except occasionally large groups of females). You need to separate them pretty quick.
I have one male and 2 female .male are too slow because of his tale so he’s not fast and 2 female always together
I have them around 5 month and they never fight or chase each other .so this is not bullying case
Sorry, but your injured female says otherwise. Unless you are attempting to breed a pair (which has to be monitored closely) , two bettas or more in any tank is a formula for disaster. Your injured betta will weaken and die, then the next victim, probably the other female will do the same. Your only hope is to do as @Lcc86 suggested, separate them. Even if you had just girls, a sorority, unless they were raised together since birth, this would happen. All sororities ultimately fail unless they are composed of real sisters, spawn mates, that have never been separated. Even then, veteran betta keepers advise having a b-plan.

Also, one tetra? What species? Tetras need to be in schools of at least 6--preferably 10 or more. A lone tetra can do damage too. Though I suspect it is not the main culprit here. And how many cories do you have? They too should be in schools of 6 or more.
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female betas I bought the same time from the same guy and they are from birth .
Female Betas always are on top
In middle are male beta and red nose terra
On bottom are 12 different Cory
.I understand what male can attack female but he is so slow because his long fin and its not chance he will be clause to female beta .as soon as he get up the female betas just go close to him and he’s his run away .
i know about bullying but this is not a case .
female betas I bought the same time from the same guy and they are from birth .
Female Betas always are on top
In middle are male beta and red nose terra
On bottom are 12 different Cory
.I understand what male can attack female but he is so slow because his long fin and its not chance he will be clause to female beta .as soon as he get up the female betas just go close to him and he’s his run away .
i know about bullying but this is not a case .
Male bettas don't really tolerate females a lot of the time, so it could be him, or the females have taken a dislike to each other. You also can't monitor the tank 24/7 so you might be missing some bullying going on overnight. I'd try separating them tbh before things end in disaster.
What @Lcc86 said. And, the not-separated-since-birth qualifier only works if there are lots of girls. Two won't cut it. And even with lots, things can degrade.
I separate my females betas .one died after 48 and another looks like going to died today .
After I put them in separate tanks , after 24 both stop eating .In main tank now male beta after removing females just lay on top leaves all day just come to eat and goes back to hide .Not interested in nothing before it was swimming around and never hide
I change 30% and I lost hi fin Cory too .
All water measures are perfect

Iomega I told it was not bullying case
I separate my females betas .one died after 48 and another looks like going to died today .
After I put them in separate tanks , after 24 both stop eating .In main tank now male beta after removing females just lay on top leaves all day just come to eat and goes back to hide .Not interested in nothing before it was swimming around and never hide
I change 30% and I lost hi fin Cory too .
All water measures are perfect

Iomega I told it was not bullying case
It's hard to say as we're not there observing your tank. It could be they got injured and died, or there could be something else going on in your tank, especially if you also lost a cory. Your male behaviour doesn't seem that unusual, he is probably less stressed now, he's eating which is good. Keep an eye on all of the fish for any signs of illness or further injury in case there's something else going on in the tank.
rest fish look good just male beta hiding inside stone just come to eat and go hide back .

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