Oh Deer!


Mostly New Member
Aug 13, 2013
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Its getting to be that time of year here in Michigan.
I'll bet he doesn't give a buck what time of year it is...
NO, I don't hunt.
Long story made short... I hit a HUGE 14 point buck with my Monte Carlo when I was 16, My uncle told me "you'll never shoot one that big", never got into hunting after that.
The bucks are all velveted up, my brother has several that come into his yard every morning, I'll try to get a pic of those. They are massive with very large racks. Where I live is in the "No Hunting" zone of the suburbia, so its carnage on the highways every fall. I've hit 7 of them in the last four years. They are trying to make the whole state a "Trophy Only" state, where you can only harvest if they have 6 points or more. Might have to get a armored tank for the commute.
Was out at my brothers place last evening, watched 4 bucks come into the soy fields behind his house. All of them had nice full racks that where still in velvet, could see them decent with binoculars. Tried to take a pic with the cell and binoculars.......
I'll have to break out the camera and set up a tripod this weekend.
I don't mind venison either, got a smoker that a lot goes into. Last year I hit 2, and got another one by being behind the guy that clipped one. Stopped to help him out, and he asked me if I wanted it, he was driving his wifes Taurus. Cop didn't care who took it, as it would end up going to a needy family anyway if no one does claim it. My fall fishing travels expose me and my jeep to more then my fair share of deer/vehicles trying to beat the laws of physics. The year before that was behind yet another collision that ended up with two deer in the back of my truck, as he hit one, and I clipped one, that fell trying to get out of the way. Could of been worst, because there was at least ten of them going in every direction. I laugh at my brother and his friends that spend ungodly amounts of money to "hunt" them. I usually end up with more meat then them, and salmon, trout, and walleye to boot! lol

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