Oh Boy...I Was Naughty!


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
I swear, you just can't say the words "Fish Sale" around me without me pulling out my wallet. :rolleyes: :fun: One of our largest lfs was having a big sale on their fish so obviously I had to check it out. ;) Now if I would have had more room in my tanks I would have bought more, but since my tanks are pretty well stocked as it is, I must say I think I kept myself pretty well under control. :p :nod:

I ended up getting two new one gallon tanks...and those go along with...

...the two new crowntail Bettas I got! :D :wub: They are both gorgeous. One has a yellowish-red body with bright red fins, and just a bit of purple at the base of his tail and dorsal fins. The other has a steel body with bright red fins, and a silvery-steel color on the edges of every fin prong...he's also a bit curly in the fin department...it's so cute! :p :D :wub:

So that brings me up to 10 tanks total in the house. :rolleyes: :fun: :*)

Then I also picked up a rather handsome male Bristlenose plec. He is a much darker color than my two females, and has more of a striped pattern, while the girls have more spots. He's in the 29 gallon with the two females, so I'm hoping they will breed...it would be interesting to see what the babies would look like. :wub: :D :nod: :thumbs:

Then I picked up a few supplies that I was running low on, like Melafix, Stress Coat, food, and filter pads...you know the essentials. :D ;) :p

All in all I spent less than $50.00, and went home more than happy. :hyper: :nod: :D

Oh and since my camera is still broken, I don't have any pictures for the time being. :-( But rest assured that when it gets fixed (or I just break down and get a new one :whistle: ), there will be plenty of pics to go around. :nod: :thumbs: :D
Congrats on the new fishies!! I can't wait for upi to get your camera fixed, so hurry it up already :sly: :p :*
Wow. Seems like a really good deal. All that would usually cost close to 100 dollars, wouldn't it?
Thanks Sorrell! :wub: Yeah, I can't wait to show you guys all the new fishies I got. The Pearl Gouramis are so cute!!!! :wub:

David - Well, considering CT Bettas cost about 8 dollars a piece here, Bristlenoses cost about $13, thats about $30 right there. Then Melafix is about $7 dollars, and everything else costs anywhere in between $5 to $15 per item, so I'd say at least $100 yeah. :D :thumbs: That was a great sale. :p
baby bristlenoses are incredibly cute. Ive seen them as small as 1mm just tiny little miniature plecs!!! I was going to buy one but I already have one :)

Plus it was £2.95 and for something that small it probably wouldnt survive in my tank.
I LOVE plecs, so I can't wait to see if I get some little baby ones! :wub: They will be soooo adorable! :wub: :wub: So far, the male seems to be making some advances on the females...it's pretty neat to watch. ;) Maybe I'll get babies sooner than I think! :kana:

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