Obsession Or Not

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Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2012
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Hi Guy's,after reading at length on here, I find that most experienced fish keepers always want bigger and better Tanks, or more than one tank, then a shed, or an out building and yet more tanks, is this the general trend, so my question is from you all....lol, what did you have, and what have you now..........in gallons or litres'........ :D :D
Nice one!

I'm not an "experienced fishkeeper" but I may as well try and start things off! I had a 48L tank with a goldfish in it for about 2 years. When I switched to tropical it took me under 8 weeks before I upgraded to a 180L :p I currently do not see myself having multiple tanks (maybe a temporary fry tank at some point, plastic tub style) but I could see myself getting a bigger tank eventually ;)
Started with a Rio240 in April 2010
Panicked about pimple on some Pearl Danios' lower lip, bought a Korall60 to use as a QT
Realised my Barilius/Opsarius were going to need something bigger, very active, so jumped at a 5x2x2 for £50
Korall60 became used by my Persian Killifish as a permanent tank, so bought a ~100l plastic tub to use as a QT
Customer on my delivery round offerred me a 620T for £20 (but its squat dimensions have made it impossible to use as anything but a grow out tank)
Bought some Ilyodon xantusi youngsters, saw how active they were, so bought a 48x12x15 for £25

Right now, I would happily swap two of my smaller tanks for a 3- or 4-foot, I feel awful keeping my Ilyodon youngsters (fry of my original purchases) in the plastic tub which is now reduced to ~80l because of a crack. However, my hands are tied... Recently these youngters attacked and killed most of my Microsynodontis sp. 1 group, ruling out their addition to the 48x12x15, while I tried to introduce the 8 biggest to my Rio240 (where my 36 Steatocranus youngsters are and the Ilyodon parents) and lost one of the Ilyodon within seconds [eaten]. :(
I went from an unfiltered 1 gallon betta tank, then bought myself a 55 gallon, upgraded the 1 gallon to a nice 5 gallon, and then set up a 10 gallon tub for breeding snails :lol:
started with a 125L, now have a 320L........with a 125L filled with water in the shed awaiting a project!
This is really good info,and interesting, keep it coming guy's and GALs.......... :nod:
I started with a 200L tank (cold water) then change it to tropical and kept discus for 2 years and found that they wanted to breed so did my research and ended up setting up 3 x 30L and a 50L breeding tanks along side the 200L.

At the moment tho I'm not breeding discus anymore (to time consuming) I have them same 200L I started with setup to keep cichlids and 2 x 30L tanks and a 50L tank.

And I want bigger and more ! lol
My tanks have just been breeding... Started with the 100l, then got the 35l for breeding dwarf cichlids, then got the 180l and now on the hunt for another 180l lol :p
I was given my first 30 gallon tank by my brother. I was freaking out because he was like yeah just change the filter every once in a while. I knew it wasn't that easy especially because he has had a lot of fish die. Then I went and bought a whole bunch of fish and after buying them I found this forum. Realized I bought fish that get really big and needed a 75 gallon tank+. I ended up getting another 30 gallon and a 10 gallon and now my 75 gallon lol. And I'm only 3-4 months in! :)

My wife bought my son a 5.5 gallon on a whim...it quickly became mine. Still my favorite tank. Heavily planted and keeping CPD's.
Added a 12 gallon tank that I got for free from a person moving to Australia. Saved his Dwarf Rainbows.
Bought a 20 gallon long for a Nano tank, and have a 46 gallon bowfront awaiting me to decide what project I want to do....so many I like, and can't decide.
Waiting to get my hands on a 125g from a co-worker...just in her garage collecting dust.

Think I want to make the 12 a Nano Reef, and transfer those inhabitants.
We started off with a 65l at the beginning of the year and some starter fish; guppies, platies and danios. Bought a 20l QT tank a week later. Decided male and female livebearers together was a bad idea, separated them into the QT tank permanently. Noticed some whitespot, got given a Fluval edge, made this the ladies' home and had the 20l back as my QT.

Then once the whitespot was gone,I decided I needed a bigger tank and got a Fluval 200l for all the fish in my 65l plus some more.

Eventually the ladies' tank got too small as it became populated with youngsters so they got put in the 65l.

Then I got bored/went a bit mental :shout: and saw a cheap Roma 125l for sale locally and set up a new tank (see journal in my sig) because I wanted to try new fish; angels, barbs, tetras and loaches. The three tanks are now great to watch, seem stable and require little of my time. I adore watching them!

Then the 20l recently became a nicely planted shrimp tank and the Edge is sat empty waiting for me to fill it with media and guppies for a friend's son. I would say that's it, but if I saw the Roma 90 for sale locally it would be nice to have a matching set.... ;)
Started with a 25l cold water tank then got a juwel rekord 90l then a juwel rio 125 then my current 250l now having a 300l built by ND aqautics then hopefully we will have our own place next year and I'll be able to get an 8x3x3 built :D
Great thread!! .
Well i started with an AquaOne620 (90 litres) with the usual guppies, neons, Albino BNP one i still have and a Siamese Fighter around two years ago. Then around a year ago i bought a 120 litre tank then added some tiger barbs and other fish incl. lemon tetras, harlequin rasboras. Then around 2 months ago i went all out and bought my 5ft tank (420 litres i believe) which is my pride & joy!! . It currently has ... Harlequin rasbiras, lemon & beacon tetras, 12 tiger barbs (4 each of normal, albino & green), a pair of kribs which are in pricess if spawning and my bew additions as if testerday, a pair if German Blue Rams and a pair if Bolivian Rams ... Fingers crossed all will work out ok!! (i know that info suggests that these fish will & should not go but without waffling im hopefull they will for a variety of reasons).
Now i have my 5ft, my other half us now using my 120litre, i still have my AquaOne which needs re-cycling which im going to do in the not to distant future & also have a 90 litre cube tank which currently house guppy fry!! Oh, also have a little 25 litre tank which i have now de-commissioned (for now no doubt!! Lol). All i need now is a bigger house!!! Lol.
To answer the initial question .... Yes id say its an obsession!! Just wish all obsessions were as enjoyable as fish keeping!! .
Started with a 20L betta tank, then had so many 20 to 30G tanks that housed all sorts of species. Stared with larger tanks in the last 3 and 4 years. Now have 225G a 90G and roma 240. :D
I've had tanks in the dim and distant past but my current venture started when I was given a 2ft tank with a FLuval U2 filter by someone at work last year. I set it up but was already wanting a bigger tank, however hubby wasn't keen until I did a deal and said his Dad could have the little one if I could have a big one. Got a Roma 200 and set it up with the fish from the 2 footer and added more. Then we got a Fluval Edge which had a betta who died thanks to a heater malfunction and currently has some Ember tetras keeping it cycled until I get a new betta (yes, I know but I don't fill the Edge all the way to the top). Then hubby foolishly asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I said another tank please, so now we have a Roma 240 alongside the 200, the Edge in the living room and a Nano Tech which is currently de-comissioned. I don't know if the salad drawer from the 'fridge which is sitting on the kitchen window sill with plants growing out in counts (it does have a few snails too) :D :D :D :D

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