I actually think that the some of the tetras Elrohirthehasty suggested get too big and active for a 64 litre tank.
Of that list I would avoid the disk tetras so thats the Lemon Tetra, Black Skirt Tetra, Phantom Tetra and Serpae Tetra - as adults they are surprisingly large fish really and are quite active I had a school of Lemon Tetras in my 6 foot tank for a while and they really used all the space.
With small tanks like this I think the best fish are the tiniest of the tiny
So I would look at Tetras like Ember Tetras and Green Neon Tetras. You could also look at Endlers Live Bearers instead of the Guppies which stay smaller but as adults but are still very colourful.
Then you would probably be ok with maybe a trio of Platies. So the stocking list could look like
3 Platies (all male any colour mix)
5 Endlers Live Bearers (all male any colour mix)
6 Ember Tetras OR 6 Green Neon Tetras
Hope that helps