Not Sure If He Has Whitespot.


Fish Herder
Apr 3, 2011
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My Betta has had two white spots on one of his pectoral fins since I got him 3 weeks ago. I've seen whitespot in my tanks before where it started off as a spot then it spread. He hasn't developed anymore spots anywhere. His body and fins are all perfect so I'm not sure if it's whitespot or not.

They're not fuzzy, it's not a fungas. The tank is mature and all tests normal. Cleaned once weekly.
Highly likely to be scarring, a couple of my Cardinals have it
they are proberbly scars as white spot spreads all over the fish and to other fish.
White spot, ich, is a parasitic disease. It does not give a static presentation. If the spots never move, it is simply not ich. If it was ich the spots would disappear and be replaced by new spots in new locations as the fish became re-infested by parasites. Do you have any pictures that the people in the tropical emergencies section could help you identify?

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