Not Sure I Want Fish Anymore


Fish Herder
Nov 13, 2011
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After many years of keeping fish I decided to go fishless when cycling my latest tank. Over the last six weeks I've become rather fond of the bacteria I have cultivated. I give them ammonia-food at night and in the morning and my new friends process it and pass it on to my nitrite-eaters, who, whilst a little slower at coming forward, take the gift and process it further turning my purple chemicals a light shade of blue. I love my bacteria -- who needs fish? :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Bacteria can be nice to watch too. You can set them up with a lovely planted tank (fake plants of course, or they will starve) and some little rock cave and just watch them enjoy the crap out of your setup :p
Not to mention I have yet to have any of my bacteria try to jump out of my tank or show signs of any illness that they can't cure all on their own.
You may be on to something here.
lol! The enjoyment I get out of shaking those little tubes and bashing that nitrate bottle.... *sigh*
hahahaha ... this made me laugh :lol: Just what I needed when I woke up a moody moo face this morning! Cheers shinysideup. I needed a laugh :lol:
Loosely related and just for interest: I did a short OU course on microbiology in 2010 and part of the course was to try to grow some bacteria and fungus using tomato soup. The two pictures below are probably of fungus rather than bacteria but I think they're cute (in a weird sort of way). Note the one that seems to have a face.

PS This is tomato soup left open to the air for two hours then sealed and left in a warm place for two weeks; now you see why we have refrigerators.


Unfortunately I had to view this during dinner. Also as unfortunate is the fact that I now have to steam clean my carpet after decorating my dining room after seeing that soup :sick: !!!!! Much appreciated! I guess the place needed a sprucing up anyway :/

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