Non Red Fish.


Fish Crazy
Feb 7, 2013
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current set up
125 litre (33 US gallons)
Soft acidic water - 6.2 P.H and around 20-30 mg/L hardness
Temp 24-25 degrees C
fully cycled and established low tech planted with anubius, java ferns, mosses, frogbit and elodea plus some driftwood and roots. Substrate is quartz fine gravel around 1-2 mm grain which says is safe for barbels and bottom feeders
current stock -
10 harlequin Rasbora
6 Male Cherry Barbs
I'm Looking to add a few more fish that are not red or orange as everything I already have is red/orange.
Was looking at panda corys and GBRs but from what I've read they need a higher temp and a higher temp will not suit my Harlequins.
So any suggestions on some colourful  peaceful community fish that like soft acidic water and a temp under 25 degrees C - and not those dwarf Gourami things as they always look weird and sad
In all honesty I think gbrs and pandas will be fine in your tank. :)

If you'd like something different, you could try rainbowfish.
Corries, plecos, shrimp, male guppies, There is a lot of stuff that will work. Almost every tropical fish with short fins. 
Well gave up on the Panda idea as once I saw them in the flesh/scales/armour they looked pretty uninteresting but next to them they had 4 Sterbai corys which were very active and looked a lot happier than the Pandas so I got them 4 and he said he is getting more in next week so I'll go get another 2 to make the shoal up to 6.
He said he (the LFS) keep their water around 25 degrees and they are very happy and active in my tank so all's good
-- Yes I know, more red/orange fish lol
Malex530 said:
 male guppies,
Not in soft water.
For some reason, and I can never remember what it is, hardwater fish do not do well in softwater, whereas softwater fish will usually be OK in hardwater (there are some exceptions).
Half a dozen rainbows would look magnificent (and also probably go close to fully stocking your tank). Not 100% sure of their minimum tank size, but everything I read has suggested your tank should be big enough (especially if you go for the Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish). Yes they have red fins but the gorgeous blue body makes up for it!
Oh don't worry I wouldn't get livebearers like guppies etc anyways.
Well I currently have the Sterbai in QT while I decide but think that will be it for this tank
10 harlequins
6   cherry barbs
6   Sterbai
Like the rainbowfish though they do look nice so will definitely think about them when Hopefully I get a bigger tank in a few months
Most rainbowfish will grow too large for your tank. The only one I would suggest would be the Dwarf Neon that Gruntle suggested, but keep in mind that they really like a strong current. German Blue Rams would do excellent in that tank. They like a low PH (5.5-6.5), but would do fine in 70-77 degree temps (21-25 celsius), and being that your tank is planted, it would suit them even more.
+1 on the rams. Amazing colors and do very well in soft water! Make sure you have a little rock work for them, they seem to enjoy rocks as well as driftwood. Good luck with your tank!

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